10. Safety precautions

The best time to walk Te Araroa | Choosing a direction | How long it takes | Fitness and experience | Permits and fees | Accommodation | Clothing and equipment | Cost | Visas | Safety precautions | Fishing | Resupplying and food parcels | Getting to and from Cape Reinga | Getting to and from Bluff | Stewart Island Rakiura | Taking my dog, bike, horse | Navigating

We recommend you register your travel intentions with a trusted contact.

Our safety page has advice on staying safe in the NZ outdoors

Check in regularly along your journey so your contact can track your progress and raise an alert if you are overdue.

There are also logbooks in Department of Conservation huts. Use these to log your intentions along the way.

On your journey, you may hitch-hike, or people may offer a ride or a place to stay. In this situation, you need to use your judgement. Some walkers have good memories from random encounters like this. But there is always the possibility that strangers may not have good intentions 

Try to let other walkers or family and friends back home know your plans. If you fear for your safety at any time the New Zealand emergency number is 111.

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Page last updated: Nov 1, 2020, 12:26 PM