Trail Notes

Te Whanganui a Tara - Wellington Trail Notes

Last Edited: November 23, 2024 11:49:43 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: This section involves 3–6 days through forest and alpine terrain and includes many steep ascents and descents. It begins at 150m above sea level and reaches its highest point at Mount Crawford 1,462m. Views in the Tararua Range in clear weather are outstanding.


Warning: Weather in the Tararua Range is notorious for deteriorating rapidly. Be prepared for extreme conditions at all times. There can be gale-force winds and heavy rain. Snow can fall in any season. Be prepared to wait out storms or for streams to subside after heavy rain. Do not cross swollen streams. Be sure to fill in the intentions book at the start of the track.

The trail is divided into three stages of 1–2 days each, depending on fitness and weather conditions.

  1. Poads Road (Levin) to Te Matawai Hut (900m), via Waiopehu Hut (960m)

  2. Te Matawai Hut to Nichols Hut (1160m) via Dracophyllum Hut

  3. Nichols Hut to Pārāwai Hut (Ōtaki Forks, Road End,100m) via Waitewaewae Hut (310m)  

See the note below regarding Otaki Forks Road access.

If exiting from the Mangahao-Makahika Track, walk approximately 7km down Gladstone Road to Poads Road on the left, crossing an old concrete bridge and walking uphill to the car park.

From Levin, take transport for 7km to the car park at the end of Poads Road.

Poads Road to Waiopehu Hut - 9km / 4-5hr>

This route to Waiopehu Hut (960m 18 bunks) involves a climb of 800m. The track starts at a DOC notice board and initially crosses private farmland. Follow the blue posts and farm track.

The Ridge Track to Waiopehu Hut veers right soon after entering the bush. The track is marked through the forested areas and the alpine areas follow a very defined ridge with some marking where possible.There is a pleasant lunch spot at a clearing about half an hour before the hut. The Waiopehu Hut is at the bushline offering good views across the plains and east to Tararua high peaks.

Waiopehu to Te Matawai Hut - 6km / 4hr

The track climbs over Waiopehu Peak (1094m), Twin Peak (1097m), Richards Knob (985m) descends to Butchers Saddle (690m) before climbing to Te Matawai Hut. Ascent 500m, descent 600m.  Climb the 100 vertical metres to the shoulder of Waiopehu Peak, then descend and climb Twin Peak (with memorial for person killed in a major storm 1936). This part of the track is in scrub, offering good views of surrounding hills. Descend through leatherwood and bush, then climb to Richards Knob where there is a track direction sign. At the intersection of Gable End and Dora Ridge Tracks, turn right (southeast) and follow Dora Ridge Track down to Butchers Saddle and up to its junction with the Yeates Track, that connects with the south branch of Ohau River.  Go right (southeast) and follow up the ridge to Te Matawai Hut and helipad.

Te Matawai to Dracophyllum Hut - 8km / 4-5 hours

This route to Dracophyllum Hut (1100m, 2 bunks) climbs Pukematawai (1432m), along the main range, over Butchers Knob (1158m) then through bush to Dracophyllum Hut. 700m ascent, 500m descent.

Follow Northern Crossing Track up the ridge to shoulder of Pukematawai (sign where Main Range Track starts). Much of track is above the bushline and can be covered in snow in winter (June -September).

Descend on the Main Range Track over various bumps to the bushline beyond Butchers Knob. Dracophyllum Hut is another hour away through beech forest. (Small hut with 2 bunks and water tank).

Dracophyllum Hut to Nichols Hut - 5km / 4 hours

The route to Nichols Hut (1160m, 6 bunks) climbs Puketoro (1152m), Shoulder of Kelleher (1142m) and Nichols (1242m) (all unmarked) along the Main Ridge to Nichols Hut. 

The track is mainly through bush, climbing into open at Puketoro and Kelleher (unmarked). At Kelleher Shoulder a cairn marks where the track descends down a steep tussock ridge, snaking down to bush. From here it follows an undulating ridge, finally climbing to the top of Nichols (unmarked) from where the track descends through tussock to the hut, east of the saddle.

Nichols Hut to Waitewaewae Hut - 8km / 4-5 hours

Route to Waitewaewae Hut (310m 16 bunks) via Mt Crawford 1462m. 380m ascent, 1240m descent.

  • Note: In strong winds and rain it may be necessary to stop at Nichols Hut until weather clears.

Follow the ridge up the summit of Mt Crawford for great views of the Tararua Range, Kāpiti Island, the coast and possibly Mt Taranaki. Descend to Junction Knob, turn right to Shoulder Knob, where the track re-enters the bush, and descends steeply to the Ōtaki River (bridged) and then Waitewaewae Hut, where there is river swimming. 

Waitewaewae Hut to Parawai Lodge - 10km / 4-6 hours

Route to Parawai Lodge (100m altitude, 18 bunks) and Ōtaki Forks car park. Ascend to the Plateau (530m) then descend Saddle Creek (200m) and cross Ōtaki River swing bridge to the carpark. 250m ascent, 460m descent.

Follow the marked track down the terrace the hut is on. The wet weather track then climbs and crosses a number of gullies and streams before the climb to the Plateau. These streams can be difficult and dangerous to cross in heavy rain. Be prepared to let levels fall during wet weather.

Dry weather route: Follow the track to Ōtaki Forks for roughly 100m along the terrace then drop down the bank on the unmarked route and cross the Ōtaki River. Below here the river bends around to flow east. Cross back to the west bank on the bend and head to the orange marker by a side stream just below the long slip in the west bank. Follow the markers and track up this stream (Arapito Stream) to join the main wet weather track where it crosses Arapito Stream. This point is signposted.

After crossing Arapito Stream the track climbs up the valley crossing a number of gullies before reaching the Plateau. The track crosses Plateau Stream three times in a short distance before a short 20m to 30m climb to the saddle. From here the new track heads south along the ridge, climbing gently (the map still shows the old route closed by a large slip). There are a couple of flat boggy sections on the ridge. From the ridge, the new track crosses a steep slope before dropping down to the old tram track. A well-graded track leads from here to a swing bridge over the Ōtaki River. It then climbs over a terrace on the south side of the river before dropping to Pārāwai Lodge. The carpark and road are across another swing bridge beside the Waiotauru River.

There is a DOC warden located across the swing bridge near the overnight carpark.

If continuing on to the next section (Pukeatua) turn left at the road and continue for 2km to end of the road: camping area, and the start of Fenceline and Pukeatua Tracks. Ōtaki Township is 10km away down Ōtaki Gorge Road. Transport is recommended as the road is narrow and winding.

Important: The Otaki Forks Road was damaged by a slip in October 2021 and is currently impassible. Bypass walking tracks have been constructed, with varying success. Do not plan to exit or join Te Araroa at Otaki Forks without researching the current situation. Additional details in the Alerts section.


Potential hazards

  • Poisons and traps
  • Farming operations  do not disturb stock
  • River crossings never cross flooded rivers
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold
  • Weather extremes be aware of the weather forecast and be prepared to wait bad weather out if necessary

Weather in the Tararua Range is notorious for deteriorating rapidly. Be prepared for extreme conditions at all times.

Be prepared to wait out storms. Snow can fall in any season. Be sure to fill in the intentions book at the start of the track. 

Tararua Range (Arete Hut) weather - NIWA

Tararua Range (Waitewaewae Hut) weather - NIWA

NIWA 3-day forecast

Tararua Range (Powell Hut) weather - NIWA

Tararua Range (Kime Hut) weather - NIWA


Northern Start: Junction of Gladstone and Poads Road, Levin
Southern End: Otaki Forks, Otaki Gorge Road* (Vehicle access to Ōtaki Forks is closed due to slips at Blue Bluff)

Ōtaki Gorge Road slips

Two slips on the Ōtaki Gorge Rd at Blue Bluff (12km inland from SH1) means plans to open a cycle and walkway along the stretch of closed road have had to be cancelled. The road remains closed to vehicles and pedestrians for safety reasons.

Vehicle access to Ōtaki Forks remains closed.
Walkers are not to cross at Blue Bluff, for their own safety.
The Department of Conservation has established an alternative public walking access to the Tararua Forest Park.

There are now two slip areas in the Blue Bluff area:

  • The slow slip detected in September 2020 which has seen the road to slump towards the river and caused the original closure.
  • A second significant slip 100m further towards Ōtaki Forks which has completely covered the road. This occurred during the heavy rain event of 6-8 December 2021.


Levin - Getting to/from the start

From the north Te Araroa enters the Wellington region at Poads Road, 7 km from Levin (Taitoko). Levin has a full range of services and amenities available and is a good point for resupply

Getting there/away


Ōtaki Forks Transport Options: Bookings Essential

If exiting at Ōtaki Forks the Gorge Road is narrow and winding - not safe for walkers.

  • Local Taxi Service - Wally (retired) Phone 06 362 6319
  • Paraparaumu Taxi Service - Tues,Thurs, Fridays 10am-3pm P: 0800 508 294


Trail Pass

Hut_Included Waiopehu Hut - km 1,572.0 - Included in The Trail Pass

Hut_Included Te Matawai Hut - km 1,577.1 Included in The Trail Pass

Hut_Included Dracophyllum Biv - km 1,584.6 - Included in The Trail Pass

Hut_Included Nichols Hut - km 1,589.8 - Included in The Trail Pass

Hut_Included Waitewaewae Hut - km 1,598.1 - Included in The Trail Pass

Campsite_Included Boielles Campsite - km 1,608.0 - Included in The Trail Pass. (Bookings required 1 Dec - March)

Hut_Included Parawai Lodge - km1,608.0 - Included in The Trail Pass

Other Accommodation


  • Makahika Outdoor Pursuits Centre- 865 Gladstone Road, Levin. E:  A privately owned property situated approx. 2 km south of the Mangahao-Makahika Track exit onto Gladstone Rd.
  • John and Sally Duxfield host TAs as their private guests, at their home in the foothills of the Taraua Forest Park.
  • You are not guests at the Outdoor Centre; the outdoor centre facilities are not available for use by the TAs.  Makahika is not a camping site, nor open to the public; it provides week long residential programmes for school children and is closed from Mid-December to late January.
  • What you are offered:
    • A tent site on flat grass area, between our own home, and the staff cottage. No cabins, no bunk rooms, nope, no, nada.
    • An infinity gas shower, with a range of body wash and shampoo.
    • A Portaloo; (our composting unit can’t keep up with the number of hikers).
    • An outdoor kitchen space.
    • Power source for charging devices.
    • Rubbish disposal.
    • Delivery from New World of fresh food supplies.  (We recommend you  ORDER approximately 3-5 days prior to your arrival to ensure you are able to secure a delivery spot).
      • The delivery address is : Main House @ Makahika OPC, 865 Gladstone Road, RD1, Levin 5571
      • DO NOT USE COUNTDOWN – they take 3-5 days to deliver and the food is often spoiled by the time it arrives, as they use a rural courier delivery service; and quite frankly, hopeless.
      • Please do not rely on us to refrigerate your cold foods.  We do not have enough personal fridge space for the food of multiple hikers.
      • Nor do we have personal space to refrigerate drinks etc.
      • You have full cell service on site.  Sometimes there is WIFI available.
      • It is $15 per person per night.  You can pay cash, or pay electronically and provide the payment receipt; whichever works for you. There is a box for funds located in the ‘little black whare’.
      • The local Levin Taxi does a return trip for approx. $70-80.00 and with a van can take up to 8 persons.
  • Beni Paroli (AT hiker) P: 06 368 4570, 027 9304151 E: for pickup, shower, meal and bed - Levin;

Levin Holiday Park (camping, cabins & motel units) - 38 Parker Ave, Levin - P: 06 368 3549 - E: 

Tōtara Lodge Motel - Cnr Devon & Bristol St - P: 06 368 4114 - E: 

Panorama Motel - 170 The Avenue SH 1, Levin - P: 06 368 5401 or 0800 660 220 - E: 

Bentons Motel - 2 York Street (Crnr of York - P: 06 367 8282 - E: 


  • Boilles DOC Campsitean open grassy field directly adjacent to the Waiotauru River and near Parawai Lodge. There is a small cooking shelter, flush toilets, good river swimming. $10 per night
  • Ōtaki Forks/Schoolhouse Flat DOC campsite - 2km up road near start of Pukeatua Track, $10.00 per night - please note this site is closed until further notice due to the closure of Ōtaki Gorge Road.
  • 2 Campgrounds at Ōtaki Beach, - approx 6 km west of SH 1
  • Ōtaki Manaaki B & B - 102 Rāhui Rd, Ōtaki - P: 0274 783 220
  • Ōtaki Motel - 260 Main Highway, Ōtaki - P: 06 364 8469 or 0800 662 243 - E: 
  • Railway Hotel - 6 Arthur St, Ōtaki - P: 06 364 7165
  • Beni Paroli (AT hiker) 06 364 6261 for pickup, hot shower, meal and accommodation Ōtaki Beach.

Food and Supply



Extra Info

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: October 07, 2024 15:41:33 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: Climb steadily through mixed forest with grass clearings that provide sweeping views of Ōtaki Forks and the Tararua Range. The highest point is at Pukeatua (812m). The track then descends back down towards the Waikanae River.


Pukeatua - 14km / 6-7 hours

From the Department of Conservation information sign, follow the Fenceline Loop Track for 700m to a marked junction to Pukeatua Track.

The track takes a sharp left uphill turn to a south-west ridge. It is marked with the Department of Conservation orange triangles. 

Continue up-hill for about 3 hours with a hard right turn just prior to exiting the bush before Pukeatua (812m) and a good lunch spot.

The track skirts the scrubby tops on the eastern side to Pukeatua Summit. From the summit, the track follows the south side of a westerly ridge to a saddle and then northwest down a ridge to a broad ridge and intersection. Turn right at the fork (large orange triangles) following the DOC markers and down towards the covenanted land section and pine forest. The area adjacent to the pine forest is private land covenanted with the Queen Elizabeth II National Trust to preserve the native forest. Walkers are required to respect the protected area and stay on the marked track. Recent logging of the pine forest has damaged the track, and the trail marking is unclear. Follow the bulldozed logging road which is steep at times, so take care.

On reaching the stream go upstream for just 10m then left, crossing the stream on to a four-wheel-drive track leading to a gate and gravel road.

Exit left and walk down the road, crossing the pedestrian bridge to the South Mangaone Road Car Park and track end.

From the car park continue down South Mangaone Road (5km) turn right into Ngātiawa Road (1km) and right into Reikiorangi Road (5km) leading to Waikanae Village.

If continuing on the next section (Kapiti Coast) after crossing the railway line and Waikenae's Main Road turn left and proceed south on the footpath. Cross Te Moana Road (traffic lights) and down Main Road / Old State Hwy 1 to just before the Waikanae River road bridge. Turn right onto the track down river on the true right bank (north)


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track
  • Poisons and traps
  • Forestry operations
  • Small stream crossings
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold
  • Weather extremes
  • Few water sources. Only at start and finish

Tararua Range (Waitewaewae Hut) weather - NIWA

Leave gates as you find them.

Dogs on a leash only.


Northern Start: Otaki Forks, Otaki Gorge Road (vehicle access to Ōtaki Forks is closed due to slips at Blue Bluff) 
Southern End: Waikanae River Bridge, SH1


Waikanae - en route

  • Ruth Carter offers camping at their house immediately adjacent to the DOC carpark at the end of Mangaone South Rd - contact her in advance on
  • River Pā - 20 Reikorangi Rd - close to Waikanae en route - P: 022 053 3618 or just turn up. Self-catering, hot shower, indoor mattress,
  • El Rancho Holiday Park - 58 Weggery Drive, Waikanae Beach. - P: 04 902 6287. Situated between new motorway and beach, can be reached from the river for those north-bound.
  • Kāpiti Gateway Motel - 114 Main Rd, Waikanae - P: 04 902 5876 - E: 
  • Ariki Lodge Motel - 4 Omahi St, Waikanae - P: 04 293 6072 - E: 
  • Country Patch B&B - 18 Kea St, Waikanae - P: 04 293 5165 - E: - 
  • Birdsong Cabin (B&B) - Wīnāra Avenue, Kapiti Coast, Wellington P: 022 691 2255 
  • Riverstone B&B - 111 Ngatiawa Road, Waikanae - P: 06 44 293 1936 / E: eppie@ 
  • Missy Sinai - P: 027 655 7012 - offers a shower and place to rest up near the end of the Mangaone South track. 

Food and Supply


Extra Info

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: October 24, 2024 11:38:26 NZST


Te Araroa section: An easy day’s walking after the rigours of Tararua tramping. The trail is virtually level walking for the whole 22km, taking in some of the Kāpiti District’s icons – the Waikanae River, an estuary and scientific reserve, Kāpiti Island in full view from the beach, Queen Elizabeth Park, and the distinctive cafes and local art outlets in Paraparaumu, Raumati and Paekākāriki.


Waikanae River - 4.5km / 1¼hr

From the Waikanae Bridge, take the track down the river on the true right bank (north).

Follow the main track downstream for 4.5km. Pass a footbridge over the river and continue under the expressway. Cross the second footbridge towards the Otaihanga Domain.

Otaihanga, Estuary and Scientific Reserve — 2.5km / ½hr

Exit bridge into Otaihanga Domain. Immediately turn sharp right on the river side of the toilets. Follow the true left bank (south side).

After 500m, veer left to the boardwalk and track through the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve.

Ignore side tracks. After 15 minutes, join an older section of the Reserve Track that exits onto Manly Street. 

Turn right and follow the grass verge for 5min, skirting the lagoons. Just before the houses, turn right, leaving the verge to enter another section of the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve.

Follow boardwalks over the swamp, sand dunes and onto the beach.

Paraparaumu Beach to Raumati South — 8.5km / 3hr

At the beach, turn left (south) by yellow Marine Reserve triangles. Weather and tide permitting, keep on the beach heading south for 8km.

Walking along the beach is safe and accessible right to Queen Elizabeth Park except in extremely high tides; in this case, use local roads running parallel to the beach. All major streams are bridged.

You can divert to cafes near high-rise apartments at the boat launch area.

At the end of Raumati South Beach, turn inland through piles of driftwood, where you see a triangular “Total Fire Ban” sign. Continue for a short distance, then turn right onto the Coastal Track. 

Queen Elizabeth Park — 3.5km / 1½hr

Follow the undulating Coastal Track — the one nearest to the sea — for about 1.5km to the picnic and toilet area. Turn left (inland) onto a sealed road for 100m.

Turn right at the next road intersection and follow another 100m before rejoining the coastal track.

In August 2018, the Coastal Track at Raumati South was closed due to coastal erosion. The alternatives are:

  • Continue along the beach at low tide
  • Continue on the Coastal Track at your own risk,
  • or use the alternative Inland Track. Follow a track uphill to the north briefly. This soon joins up with the Inland Track. Head along this, down a hill and join a major sealed track. Turn right (south), and a short distance along, turn right onto a small track signposted “Coastal Track 900 metres”. This takes you back onto the Coastal Track — continue as above.

At the end of the Coastal Track, cross the small Wainui Stream and continue along the beach until you see a large building, the Surf Life Saving Club, on your left. A little way past this, head up onto the north end of The Parade. An alternative is to use the road bridge 100m upstream and cross a field on the right to the Surf Life Saving Club.

Paekākāriki - 2km / ½hr

Continue along The Parade for 1.7km, then turn left into Beach Road, Paekākāriki’s main street.

Cross over the pedestrian crossing to the right-hand side of the road and head past the shops toward the railway lines.


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track
  • Tides, waves & rivers - safer at low tide . Will need to walk along road in certain conditions
  • Small stream crossings
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold
  • Do not be tempted to take a short cut through the Waikanae Estuary, the sand can be very soft and dangerous at low tide


Northern Start: Waikanae River Bridge, SH1
Southern End: Beach Road, Paekakariki


Paraparaumu & Paekākāriki - Getting to/from the track

The track starts and finishes on State Highway 1 so care needs to be taken if being dropped off by car. There are suitable parking areas at both ends. 

A regular train service from Wellington to Waikanae (The Kāpiti Line), stops at Waikanae, Paraparaumu and Paekākāriki.



  • Marie Bismarck is a "Trail Angel" living near the Trail at Paraparaumu Beach and offers camping, water, shower for Te Araroa walkers. E:


  • Paekākāriki Holiday Park - 180 Wellington Rd, Paekākāriki - P: 04 292 8292 
    • Te Araroa walkers will always be welcome at Paekakariki Holiday Park.  The website may require 2 nights for booking, but that is not the case. No advance bookings necessary as long as you show up before reception closes at 7pm.  
    • The Holiday Park has a range of amenities including – communal kitchens, hot showers, laundry, free BBQs and now a woodfired Sauna (bookable here).
  • Belvedere Motel - Cnr Paekākāriki Hill Rd and SH1 - P: 04 292 8478 - E:
  • Finn’s Hotel - 2 Beach Rd, Paekākāriki - P: 04 292 8081 - E:
  • Paekākāriki Beachfront B&B - 136 The Parade, Paekākāriki - P: 04 905 8595 - E:
  • Fergus and Nicky offer a secluded, dry sleepout at 136 Tilley Road, Paekakariki.  Laundry, bathroom etc. facilities and meals. Hikers are also welcome to leave their stuff while they walk to the next stop - e.g. Wellington - and then take the train back and stay for a second night before catching the ferry - E:

Food and Supply


  • Paekākāriki Village Grocery Store - 11 Beach Rd, Paekākāriki Village - P: 04 292 8020 - open 7 days

Extra Info

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: August 17, 2024 15:41:58 NZST


This track from Paekākāriki to Pukerua Bay runs high above State Highway 59 and the railway, reaching 220m above sea level. There are spectacular views, and it is one of the highlights of Te Araroa Trail. 

  • Be aware that it is steep, narrow and exposed, and crosses private property. 
  • The walk should not be attempted by those without a reasonable level of fitness, or who suffer from vertigo.
  • Please keep to the marked track and do not enter the rail corridor (you risk a $20,000 fine).
  • There are seats and interesting interpretive signs along the way but no amenities.
  • If section walking, please park thoughtfully - please park at the railway station NOT on Ames St. 
  • Parking is extremely limited and the roadway is narrow. The road is an emergency alternate SH1 route and any parking on the street makes this difficult. Parking at the railway station is preferred for all track users and provides more direct access to the track.

Stay on the right-hand side of Beach Road, and at the end cross the railway lines. Immediately turn right on to the footpath alongside SH59. Follow the signed route through the trees until it comes back out onto the footpath. After about 50m, take the stairs under the bridge and onto the Escarpment Track – Do not cross State Highway 59. 

Initially, the track undulates and passes through groves of coastal bush. After 10 minutes there is an open area (old quarry), seating and views worth stopping for. Continue on over a small bridge and a cantilevered section of pathway around a rock face.

From here, the track is over steep terrain, and there are no handrails on the steps. Children should be supervised.


Suitable footwear should be worn and carry an extra layer in case the weather turns - it can be exposed up there. 

Begin the steep ascent via steps and a zig-zag path and continue up to the highest point of the track ("the Lookout"), before starting a descent down many steps. You will traverse 2 lovely sections of Kohekohe forest before another steep descent then cross 2 swing-bridges. 

The track continues beside private property and the rail corridor. Continue along the old (now closed) Muri Station and go through Muri Park and onto Sea Vista Drive, cutting through the walkway to Pukerua Bay Railway Station. Please note that you can buy a ticket for the return journey by train at the dairy in Paekākāriki, or on the train, but tickets can only be purchased using cash on the train.

Section walkers heading south to north should park in the Pukerua Bay Railway Station carpark and enter the track from there following these directions in reverse - there is not enough room to park safely at the end of Muri Road.

For walkers continuing south on Te Araroa Trail, from the Pukerua Bay Railway Station cross the railway track at the safe crossing point then proceed up a slight incline to Te Motu Road, turn right and walk right to the end where you will cross the footbridge over SH59, then once on the western side of SH59 walk south a further 250m to the start of the next section.


Conditions of the agreement giving public access to the land are that no horses, dogs, bikes or motorised vehicles are permitted.

Keep to the track; do not walk on to farmland, or the rail tracks.

Potential hazards

  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold
  • Weather extremes
  • No water sources on track - take with you
  • Steep stairs - unsuitable for those with vertigo or cardio illness.

The track is over steep terrain, and there are no handrails on the steps. Children should be supervised.

The walk should not be attempted by those without a reasonable level of fitness, or who suffer from vertigo.

Suitable footwear should be worn and carry an extra layer in case the weather turns - it can be exposed up there.

Conditions of the resource consent and the agreement with Kiwirail giving public access to the land are that no horses, dogs, bikes or motorised vehicles are permitted.

Please do not jeopardise the future of the track by ignoring these requirements. 

Keep to the track; do not walk on to farmland, or the rail tracks.


Northern start: Beach Road, Paekakariki
Southern start: Pukerua Bay shops on SH59
Alternative Track: Centennial Highway


Tunapoescape is a getaway retreat near the summit of the Escarpment Track on Te Araroa. It is completely off grid but offers a touch of luxury in a beautiful location, on a privately owned working farm. Pricing starts at $450 per night (min 2 nights) or $550 for a single night. Tunapoescape offer a donation to Te Araroa for every booking made through the website P: Hannah - 021 264 5866 Chris - 021 240 9691 Tunapo, 1227 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD 1 Pāuatahanui

Extra Info

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: December 07, 2024 17:06:18 NZST


Te Araroa section: Travel from the small seaside suburb of Pukerua Bay, at the southern end of the Kapiti Coast, past Plimmerton’s friendly beaches and through to the multicultural harbour city of Porirua.


This track comprises three short, easy sections:

  1. Pukerua Bay to Plimmerton — 1:20 hours
  2. Plimmerton to Pāremata Bridge — 40 minutes
  3. Pāremata Bridge to Porirua Railway Station — 1 hour

The route starts by heading south (right) along the footpath on the right-hand side of State Highway 1, passing a wooden sculpture until it reaches Arā Harakeke ("Flax Pathway")

At Whenua Tapu Cemetery, continue on Arā Harakeke past the large Taupō Swamp. At Northpoint Street, go south. Continue to the railway underpass onto Steyne Avenue. Turn left, and just before Steyne Avenue crosses the Main Trunk Line, turn right to the coastal pathway (still Arā Harakeke). Follow the path then under the railway, exit the walkway across the car park, and cross the Mana/Pāremata Bridge over the Pāuatahanui Estuary mouth.

Proceed to the second pink pedestrian rail overbridge via the Pāremata station platform. Exit the overbridge to the right along Pāremata Crescent, becoming Papakowhai Road. Continue along Papakowhai Road, then to Aotea Lagoon across the road on the right. Toilets en route at Plimmerton and Aotea Lagoon.

Exit Aotea lagoon at the main entrance (south). Cross Whitford Brown Avenue. At the pedestrian crossing and turn left, then right into Okowai Road. Enter into the Gear Homestead grounds on the right. Exit Gear Homestead, passing through the Adrenalin Forest. The Gear Homestead and the Aotea Lagoon both provide lovely picnic areas. If you are a daredevil, take time out for some heart-pumping action at the amazing Adrenalin Forest confidence course. 

Turn right onto the Aotea subdivision track to State Highway 1. Left into State Highway 1 walkway, then right onto The Ramp (road bridge to Porirua City). Turn left immediately over the bridge into Bullock Lane (beside the estuary) and follow a waterside path to Station Road. 

If continuing directly to Colonial Knob, take the 1.5km Raiha Walk to Elsdon Campground.


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track Rail service vehicles/cycles Plimmerton-Pāremata
  • Tides, waves and rivers - safer at low tide Can walk beach at Plimmerton
  • Few water sources


Northern Start: Pukerua Bay shops on SH1
Southern End: Station Road, Porirua
Porirua provides a mixture of walkway cycleway, tramping tracks and road walking.


Plimmerton - en route

  • Alicja Gear. 28 Muri Road, Pukerua bay. We have a big flat lawn for tenting, showers, laundry etc. if needed. We are about 2mins from the Pukerua Bay train station, just north of Wellington
    We also have a little cottage on airbnb which we have upgraded since last year so it's a bit more of a luxury. Happy to offer cheaper trail rates if people contact me directly.   P: 022 087 7064
  • Moana Lodge Backpackers 49 Moana Road, Plimmerton - P: 04 233 2010 - E: 
  • Aquavilla B&B 16 Steyne Ave, Plimmerton - P: 04 233 6116 - E:


Food and Supply

Extra Info

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: October 07, 2024 15:43:32 NZST


Te Araroa section: Few capital cities offer walks with such spectacular views as this section from Porirua to Wellington's suburb of Ngaio (or Johnsonville or Khandallah). On a clear day, the views stretch up to Mt Taranaki in the north, across to the South Island’s Kaikōura Ranges and Marlborough Sounds, and embrace the city’s attractive harbour and hillside suburbs. There is easy accessibility to the start and endpoints for the 22km walk.


Porirua to Elsdon - 3km / 45 minutes

From Station Road (adjacent to Porirua Railway Station), cross Lyttelton Avenue at the pedestrian crossing and turn right.

On the northern edge of New World Supermarket car park, turn left onto the pathway. Follow the path to the city centre uncovered carpark.

Cross the carpark and cross the pedestrian crossing on Hagley Street and turn left.

Cross Tītahi Bay Road at the crossing.

Immediately cross Hagley Street again towards the south.

Follow the Raiha Walkway on the concrete path along the grass verge.

Continue along the walkway through to Raiha Street.

Exit to the right. Walk 200-300m to Colonial Knob Walkway car park on the left (past Elsdon Camp). 

Elsdon to Colonial Knob - 4km / 1 hour

Follow the marked track up Colonial Knob.

Colonial Knob to Mt Kaukau - 14km / 4¼ hours

Follow markers down the other side (blue) to the edge of Spicer Forest.

Cross stile turn right, and follow the fenceline on the edge of the forest.

Turn left into the forest, following yellow circles through the forest and down to the valley floor.

Exit through the gate and turn left into Ōhariu Valley Road.

Walk along the road (approx 5kms) to the crossroads. Straight through crossroads to Rifle Range Road to end. Enter Old Coach Road. (Optional exit into Johnsonville at Truscott Avenue.)

Continue along the marked track towards television the mast on Mt Kaukau. (Optional exit down to Woodmancoate Road, Khandallah).

Bells Track

From Mt Kaukau viewing platform, head west along the Skyline Track. In 30 minutes, turn sharp left (south) down steep Bell's Track to Awarua Street for approximately 1km.


Potential Hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track take plenty of care along Ohariu Valley Road - it is narrow and twisting
  • Farming operations - Go around cattle and take extra care at calving/lambing
  • Forestry operations in Spicer Forest (occasional)
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold along the tops
  • Weather extremes along the tops
  • Few water sources along the tops
  • Cellphone Coverage - Good coverage apart from Ōhariu Valley Road, Rifle Range Road and Old Coach Road.

Dogs on leash only allowed in the Northern Walkway sections. Other sections of the walkway are not suitable for dogs as they go through private farm land.


Northern Start: Station Road, Porirua
Southern End: Mt Kaukau/Bells Track, Wellington

Extra Info

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: August 17, 2024 15:44:41 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: From Ngaio, the route follows Wellington City Council's Northern Walkway, through Trelissick Park, over Te Ahumairangi Hill (Tinakori) and through Wellington Botanic Gardens, ending at the top Terminus of the Wellington Cable Car.


There are exits to Wellington suburban shops and city transport from Ngaio and Wadestown. 

200m before the bottom of Awarua Street turn right into Cummings Park. Exit the park at Ngaio Library, turning right down Ottawa Road (joins Northern Walkway)

Follow Ottawa Road to the roundabout and continue straight into Waikowhai Road. After roundabout use pedestrian crossing and keep to the footpath. Turn hard left down into bush-clad Trelissick Park (before suburban rail underpass).

Soon after 'Wightwicks Field' leave the Northern Walkway and follow Te Araroa signs along the valley floor. After the river gorge, turn hard right to rejoin the Northern Walkway up a steep track to Hanover Street. At top of Hanover Street turn left into Wadestown Road. Cross Wadestown Road at bus toilets, go up steps to Weld Street.

Head up Weld Street, cross Margaret and Wade Streets. Near the top of Weld Street turn sharp left (east) into Te Ahumairangi Park (previously "Tinakori Hill") on a gravel vehicle track. Follow Northern Walkway around the side of the hill with city views to St Mary Street.

At the lower end of St Mary Street, leave Northern Walkway and turn right up Tinakori Road for 300m. Cross over Tinakori Road at the pedestrian crossing and enter Wellington Botanic Garden through the 'Founders Gate'. Follow Te Araroa signs through the Gardens uphill to the Cable Car Terminal.


Potential Hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track
  • Farming operations
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold High winds and rain are common on Skyline Track
  • The section along the tops are very exposed and prone to high winds
  • Bypass in Trelissick Park through Northern Walkway if Korimako Stream flooded

Dogs on leash only.


Northern Start: Mt Kaukau, Wellington
Southern End: Cable Car Terminus, Wellington Botanic Gardens


  • Tui Birdsong Bed and Breakfast - 18 Orari Street, Ngaio -Belynda and Adam - 027 289 8608 
    • loads of transport options
    • comfortable private bedroom set up for our bed & breakfast guests 
    • private toilet and shower
    • wifi
    • small fridge
    • washing machine,
    • bbq 
    • continental breakfast provided if needed

Food and Supply

  • Cafe Villa on Ottawa Road is a highly recommended stop for Te Araroa walkers

Extra Info

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: March 23, 2025 07:37:37 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: This section traverses the Botanic Garden, the City and around to Oriental Bay. There are many spectacular views of Wellington’s picturesque harbour, a wander right past the New Zealand Government Buildings and a walk down Wellington's "Golden Mile" shopping strip passing outdoor shops in Willis and Mercer Streets: Kathmandu, Dwights and Bivouac (and near to Gordons on Cuba).


Botanic Gardens - 2km / 30 minutes

This section begins at the top of the Botanic Garden. From the north side of Cable Car terminal head north on a sealed level path past the Observatory and a sundial then downhill on the City to Sea Walkway. There are numerous garden paths but Te Araroa follows the City to Sea Walkway through the garden. You will pass various sculptures, go through native bush, pass a café, a large rose garden, a playing field and then head downhill through ‘Bolton St Memorial Park’. A pedestrian bridge takes walkers across the main city motorway, then leave the City to Sea by turning hard left.

Walk down past a white 12-storey high-rise building to Bowen Street. Just before the Bowen Street exit, take a minute to inspect the cutout steel sculptures dedicated to Te Araroa  these were unveiled in 2017 by the Mayor of Wellington.

Follow Bowen Street downslope to Lambton Quay, passing the New Zealand Government Buildings (aka "the Beehive").

City, Waterfront, Oriental Bay - 4km / 1.5 hours

This route begins at the corner of Bowen Street and Lambton Quay. Turn right and follow Lambton Quay (Te Araroa plaques in the pavement) through the main city shopping street (800m) until it merges with Willis Street. Follow Willis Street then turn left into Mercer Street. Cross Victoria Street and enter the Wellington Civic Centre. Walk through the centre and up onto a large carved-wood pedestrian bridge to the harbour. Descend the steps on the left, then turn right. Pass large white water feature and walk out to the waterfront. Turn hard right (south) and follow the wharf past the Te Papa Museum and the boat harbour. Continue left and follow Oriental Parade (and beach) to the far end (east). 

  • Note: In the city, the route is marked with brass plaques in the pavement. Along the waterfront, the route is not heavily marked, though somewhat obvious follow the waterfront past Te Papa Museum to the far end of Oriental Bay. If you're thirsty, stop for a drink at a Te Araroa-themed drinking fountain en route. 


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track
  • Multiple Road crossings through the city
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold


Northern Start: Cable Car Terminus, Wellington Botanic Gardens
Southern End: Junction of Oriental Parade and Carlton Gore Road


  • Interislander ferry to/from Wellington & Picton - multiple departures daily - P: 0800 802 802 
  • Bluebridge - P: 0800 844 844
  • Air New Zealand - regular flights to and from Wellington - P: 0800 737 000 
  • Jetstar - P: 0800 800 995
  • InterCity - P: 04 385 0520
  • Rental Cars - multiple options available 
  • Mana Bus - P: 09 367 9140


Full range of hostel, motel and other accommodation providers including:

  • The Cambridge Hotel - 28 Cambridge Terrace - Welcomes all walkers of Te Araroa, with a range of newly refurbished facilities to accommodate all sorts of budgets, from shared dormitory rooms, standard single rooms, to our Deluxe Ensuite rooms. 
    • Free bounce box storage with booking
    • Receive your 10% discount on all accommodation, food, and beverage by using promo code "ARAROA" when making your reservation on our website.
    • Contact us - E: P: 04 801 1950
  • Trek Global Backpackers – 9 O’Reily Avenue, Wellington – E: – P: 04 471 3480 – Trek is stoked to offer a special rate for Te Araroa walkers to stay with us at our social hostel right in the city center of Wellington! We will be offering a $30 dorm bed rate for hikers who have supported/contributed to Te Araroa Trust. This rate will only be applied through in person or phone bookings (if you book online, you will not receive this discount) and beds can only be booked a maximum of one week in advance. We have daypacks for you to use, so you can slack pack to Island Bay if you want, and we also have some funky city clothes for you to wear while you wash your smelly hiker threads!  Unfortunately, we do not have the space to store bounce boxes so please do not send these. Please call us to book and/or if you have any questions.
  • Haka House Wellington - 292 Wakefield Street - P: 04 213 7379 [previously YHA. Re-opened December 2022]
  • Base Wellington - 23 Cambridge Tce - P: 04 801 5666
  • BBH Lodge in the City - 152 Taranaki St - P: 04 385 8560
  • Nomads Capital Backpackers - 118-120 Wakefield St - P: 04 978 7800

Food and Supply

Coffee Outdoors- 8 Marion Street, Te Aro, Wellington - - Independent outdoor retailer in Central Wellington (and online) serving up ultralight gear and coffee while you shop. Offering Te Araroa walkers 10% off on in-store purchases 

Extra Info

Wellington City

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: August 19, 2024 16:36:41 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: You'll take in the classic views from Mt Victoria, then follow Wellington’s Southern Walkway down to Island Bay on the south coast  the end (or start) of the North Island section.


From a small picnic area about 100m before Carlton Gore Road the route climbs uphill onto the slopes of Mt Victoria, following Wellington’s Southern Walkway for its full length right down to the south coast. The cover is mainly native bush but with various grassed areas, playing fields and two small pine tree plantations. There are short stretches of suburban roads.

From Mt Victoria the route is on a ridge and approximately parallel to Alexandra Road, crossing the road several times. Early in the walk, keep an eye out for the Summit Walkway if you wish to pop up to the top to admire the views. There are numerous city walking tracks and mountain bike trails so keep focused on the pink Southern Walkway signs. Some of these tracks are shared walking/cycle tracks, and cycle tracks also cross the walking tracks, so be alert.

From the Mt Victoria summit, descend the steps, pass public toilets and then onto the grass verge on the right-hand side of Alexandra Road. Follow the Southern Walkway signage (on bollards) as the route crisscrosses Alexandra Road. 
At the lower end of this road, look out for the TA signs that show the route crossing Alexandra Road onto the right-hand side and then down a driveway past the Wellington Croquet Club to Seddon Terrace and turn left onto Coromandel Street. Continue south along Coromandel Street.

At the top end of Coromandel Street, follow the paved zig-zag path to another small plantation of pine trees. Soon the trail climbs a few flights of steps and emerges into Truby King Historic Park. Exit the Park's long driveway and turn hard left onto Manchester St and very soon hard right onto Sutherland Crescent. This road ends at Melrose Park where the route skirts around the north side of the playing field which is also the Wellington Zoo boundary fence (see Hamadryas Baboon if you’re lucky). There is a water tap outside the changing rooms.

At the far side of Melrose Park turn left and climb a steep clay track to the summit of Mt Albert (use marked high route option). Continue along ridge top then veer right past the new concrete reservoir and head downhill to Mt Albert Road. Turn hard left onto Mt Albert Road then right into Buckley Road. After 200m turn left downhill into Sinclair Park. This grassed valley merges into Buckley Road Reserve. At the bottom of the grassed paddock turn right and follow Houghton Bay Road to the coast. Cross the road to the sea. Turn right and walk along the coast (1km) to Island Bay. At Island Bay veer right into Reef Street, cross the street and enter Shorland Park at the far end at The Parade corner. Walk through Shorland Park to the sea boundary where there is a stone cairn memorial to the end (or beginning) of Te Araroa in the North Island.


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track - Multiple road crossings
  • Tides, waves & rivers - safer at low tide Take care on the south coast during storm conditions
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold


Northern Start: Junction of Oriental Parade and Carlton Gore Road
Southern End: Shorland Park, Island Bay


Getting there/away

  • Interislander ferry to/from Wellington & Picton - multiple departures daily - P: 0800 802 802 
  • Bluebridge - P: 0800 844 844
  • Air New Zealand - regular flights to and from Wellington - P: 0800 737 000 
  • Jetstar - P: 0800 800 995
  • InterCity - P: 04 385 0520
  • Rental Cars – multiple options available 
  • Mana Bus - P: 09 367 9140
  • Sounds Air ( - regular flights between Wellington and Picton (Koromiko airport) with shuttle service to/from Picton. Great scenic flight and only 20 mins! NZ only: 0800 505 005. Tel: 03 520 3080.

To reach the South Island and continue your walk you will need to return to Wellington to catch a ferry or Wellington Airport if flying. Buses leave every 10 minutes from The Parade beside Shorland Park.


Full range of hostel, motel and other accommodation providers including: 

Extra Info

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: October 15, 2024 00:18:30 NZST



Interislander Ferries Logo


We're thrilled to partner with Interislander Ferries for the 2024/25 Season. Registered walkers can now enjoy 15% off all passenger fares when booking online. A huge thank you to Interislander for supporting our walker community and facilitating their journey between the North and South Islands.


Interislander is the official Cook Strait Ferry Partner of Te Araroa.

Registered walkers receive a 15% discount on all passenger fairs when booked online at

Discount Code: TAT241


  • 15% off all Interislander fares booked through
  • You must show Te Araroa Trail Digital Pass at check-in.
  • Discount amount has no refund value. 
  • Normal fare conditions apply. 
  • Not available in conjunction with any other offer.
  • Valid until 31 December 2025.

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