Trail Notes

Waikato Trail Notes

Last Edited: June 27, 2024 13:40:25 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: Follow the Waikato River on this scenic route, but avoid times of flood. There are great views of the river and Whangamarino Wetland, the second-largest bog and swamp complex in the North Island.


Whangamarino Redoubt Track - 2.5km / 45 minutes

This is a very scenic route but the track is basic, hilly and can be slippery – good footwear and reasonable fitness required. From the southern end of Skeet Road, keep going straight ahead, following the fence line and orange markers. When the fence ends, keep following the markers over farmland and through the bush. From the high points, there are great views of the Waikato River and Whangamarino Wetland which is the second-largest bog and swamp complex in the North Island.

Near the southern end of the track is the Whangamarino Redoubt (a historic site from the Māori Wars era). At a stile, you have the choice of going right, past remnants of the war entrenchments and through Department of Conservation (DOC) estate, or straight ahead down to Oram Road. Cross the floodgate bridge and look for a marker on the fence to your right (southbound). For northbound travellers, after crossing the floodgate bridge you turn either left, to follow a path up the hill to the redoubt site, or right on Oram Road to follow the the main route up the hill.

Whangamarino Wetlands Track - 5.5km / 2 hours

From the Whangamarino floodgate, follow the markers underneath the railway line and the two highway bridges before coming up onto the banks of the Waikato River and west of SH1.

This section is subject to flooding when the Waikato river floods. In extreme conditions it may be require detours in a few places.  

From the south side of the floodgate the trail goes under three bridges. If the water level beside the path under the railway bridge is less than one metre below the level of the path, the track may be flooded further on beyond the two highway bridges. If the path you are on is above water, continue under the railway bridge and the two highway bridges and look for a place to climb the bank and walk along the road edge, outside the safety barrier, until you reach the clear stop bank.  

If the water is much higher and you can't get under the bridges, go back to Oram Road and carefully walk across the highway. Traffic is fast, but there are gaps if you are patient. Walk along the stop bank for 3km, past the mythological taniwha lairs, boggy wetlands and landscaped grasslands to the outfall by the former power station.

Meremere Power Station k 685.8 to Dragway Road km 698.5

If the water level has been exceptionally high up to this point, you can stay on the stop bank all the way to Dragway Road. It is much nicer (and quieter) to turn off the stop bank and cross the tiny bridge to follow Te Araroa along the riverbank. Just 30 metres along the path there may be a short section of floodwater. The next 1.7km is usually dry.

At km 695.7 there may be a problem. The trail crosses the end of a pond that forms after heavy rain. It is possible to wade across, but difficult to avoid deeper parts.  There is an alternative 0.4km before this pond crossing. At km 695.5 there is a stile (the third or fourth on this section). Looking left you can see some colourful beehives. Ahead of you there may be a large deep pond. Te Araroa goes to the right of the pond, but may reach deep water. It's better to turn slightly left immediately after the stile and walk around the left side of the pond on a dry route through the trees to rejoin Te Araroa at km 695.8.

Continue on south along the marked track until you reach Dragway Road. Turn right (west) and follow the road to the end.

Waikato River - 17.5km / 6 hours

Near the end of Dragway Road, an ignimbrite rock marker marks the trailhead, engraved with a Waikato River verse from a Topp Twins song. Signage indicates walkers are under the protection of the Ngāti Naho taniwha.

The first 9km from Dragway Road to the Te Kauwhata Pumphouse is the most scenic part of the track. It follows farm tracks and the stop bank for 3km before ascending hilly terrain to a height of 35m, with good river views, before descending again to the flats. Kahikatea, cabbage trees and puketea alongside the trail give a hint of the original riverside vegetation. Some short clay sections may be slippery in rain, but these can generally be avoided by taking a slightly higher path along the grassy river bank.

Soon after, the track passes onto another farm frontage, climbing to another river viewpoint before crossing a swamp on a 30m boardwalk and exiting just north of the Pumphouse. The Pumphouse is accessible by Hall Road if you want to arrange a pickup by car here.

The track continues along the stop bank parallel to Churchill East Road for most of the remaining 8.5km to Rangiriri. The quiet road shoulder is an option if you don’t like moving past occasional cattle – wear hi-viz and remove headphones.

You will find a new water supply near the pump house at marker km 704.8 – this has been kindly provided by the Te Kauwhata Water Association.

2km south of the Pumphouse, look for Tarahanga, an island that was used in former times as a Māori sentry post to detect invaders on the river. High priests here once uttered powerful incantations and sounded alarms through a rock structure known as Te Pahuu o Ngāti Pou, warning of any impending danger.

Three kilometres along this route, the track diverts on to the road for nearly 2km, then returns to the stop bank again for the final 2km to Rangiriri Bridge. This last section sometimes grazes young bulls so, if you'd prefer, the road is again an option. 

The trail ends near an old redoubt where, in 1863, British troops fought Waikato warriors in a bloody encounter. The nearby Rangiriri Battle Site Heritage Centre displays military relics and an audio-visual presentation of the battle.

It's a short off-trail walk into Rangiriri for refreshments at the tavern, cafe or Cathy's Pie Shop.

For those continuing south, it is safer to walk along the riverbank to pass underneath the bridge and then scramble up the bank to cross Rangiriri Bridge on the southern side of the road.  


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track
  • Farming operations
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold
  • Few water sources
  • The track is impassable when the river is in flood. The Waikato is a dangerous river. Swimming is not recommended. Water erosion may undermine the bank near the river edge. Supervise children closely.

No dogs, guns, camping or fires. 


Northern Start: Skeet Road, Mercer
Southern End: Rangiriri Bridge (Junction of SH1 and Churchill East Road)


The Waikato region conveniently starts near the Mercer Service Centre, SH 1, Mercer. It is well serviced by long-haul bus companies.



  • Rangiriri Hotel - 8 Rangiriri Rd, Rangiriri (pub, bar, food and accommodation) - P: 07 826 3467
  • Cathy Miller is in Rangiriri, adjacent to the pub and cafe. She has camping. Call/Text Cathy on 0274 404924. There are public toilets across the road. Fantastic Pies are available. 
  • Accommodation - Kellyville Road, Mercer - on the Koheroa Bypass of the Mercer part of Te Araroa. A 1930s bungalow on 2 tranquil rural  acres overlooking the Waikato River and surrounding farmland. House has 2 twin guest rooms and a newly renovated bathroom and kitchen. The property sits on the Kellyville tuff ring (volcanic) on Koheroa Ridge (Land Wars) and boasts part of the old coach road to Auckland. A 2.8 km walk West will take you to the Waikato River where you will also find Mercer Museum, Mobile Petrol station, McDonalds, Muddy Waters Irish Pub & Restaurant, Mercer Cheese Shop, Esquires Cafe, Pokeno Bacon Restaurant. Please book via or email

Food and Supply

Extra Info

Waikato trail notes, including information about accommodation, transport and resupplying

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Trip Planning

Tramping/field Skills

Basic Navigation

River Safety

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: July 02, 2024 10:36:22 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: Follow the Waikato River past a golf course to reach Hakarimata Reserve.


Once you've crossed the bridge, continue a further 150m around the first corner and there is a stile to take you across the first fence to the riverside track which runs parallel to Te Ōhākī Road. On a clear day, you'll see the orange-topped chimneys of the Huntly Power station standing in the distance. 

After 7km, the track comes up to the Huntly Golf Course. The track follows the river, keeping behind a screen of trees, safe from the golf balls that ping up the 16th fairway. At the tee, it's safe to come out. The clubhouse is nearby and opens most weekends for hot food, maybe even a beer. Walkers are welcome.

The track follows the stopbank out to Te Ohakī Road, to circumvent the Huntly Power Station's ash ponds. It stays on the road verge for another kilometre before ducking back onto the stopbanks, crossing Māori land between Te Ohaaki Marae and the river, then exits back onto the road. For the last 200m, it enters shady bush through the sculpture park in front of Huntly Power Station.

From the Sculpture Park, continue south along footpaths/road margins on Te Ohakī Road, then Harris Street, then Riverview Road (which becomes Hakarimata Road). Turn right (south-west) into Parker Road. Walk 800m along this road to the Department of Conservation's Hakarimata Scenic Reserve.


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track the Glenmurray Bridge is one lane with a very narrow footpath
  • Bulls – there are one or more jersey bulls along the section between Rangiriri Bridge and Huntly Golf Course. They can be particularly aggressive at times. If a single bull is kept in a field by himself there is a reason for the isolation. Watch out for a bull among a group of cows and be prepared to get out of the field
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold
  • Beware flying golf balls
  • The Waikato River is dangerous – don't swim in the river. Water erosion may undermine the bank near the river edge. Supervise children closely.
No dogs, guns, camping or fires.


Northern Start: Rangiriri Bridge (Junction of SH1 and Churchill East Road)
Southern End: Hakarimata Scenic Reserve, end of Parker Road




Accommodation is available in Huntly, across the Tainui Bridge from the Te Araroa route on the eastern side of the river:

Food and Supply

Extra Info

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: July 02, 2024 11:03:08 NZST


Te Araroa section: The Hakarimata Track is hilly and arduous but the bush and views are worth it. You can walk the Hakarimata Walkway from either its southern end, near Ngāruawāhia, or northern end, closer to Huntly. There are car parks at both ends of the track.



The track from Parker Road starts on the Kauri Loop Track, which leads up a long flight of steps, then levels out to an open area with views to the north. Take the Kauri Loop Track west of the Lower Lookout to walk on past an old pā site and through bush to the large kauri trees. A few minutes further on, there's the kauri grove bush viewpoint. This loop track takes you through to the Upper Lookout.

The Hakarimata Walkway starts from the Upper Lookout. Head in a southerly direction for 20 minutes to the southern lookout where there are excellent views south across Hamilton. The Walkway continues along the undulating crest of the Hakarimata Range with occasional views out to the west and east. 

Approx 500m southeast of high point labeled 314 on the map at km 743.5), there is a rough exit track heading down in an easterly direction past the old quarry to Hakarimata Road on the western banks of the Waikato River. It's obviously used by locals as a shortcut to town, but it is tight in places.

The main ridge track continues southwards to the Hakarimata Trig at 374m high. Walking 200m south of the trig, take the track leading down towards the Mangarata Stream. This track - "the Summit Track" is a tremendous success story, where the local community have adopted it as a community wellbeing tool, and it won't be uncommon to see locals heading up or down the track (often multiple times) in their quest for better health outcomes. Kia kaha!

The track then comes out on Brownlee Avenue, which connects with Hakarimata Road. Follow the road southeast until reaching the Waingaro Road Bridge over the Waipā River. The track officially ends on the eastern bank.

If you are after amenities, continue east across the railway and Great South Road to reach Jesmond Street - the main business road in the small township of Ngāruawāhia.


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track - take care on the one lane bridge
  • Poisons & traps
  • Few water sources

No dogs allowed.


  • Northern Start: Hakarimata Scenic Reserve, end of Parker Road
  • Southern End: Waingaro Road bridge, Ngāruawāhia

This is a one-way track but it can be walked as return trips to the summit from either end. The track can also be accessed at the Hakarimata summit (374 m) via the Hakarimata Summit Track. The northern section starts from Parker Road, off Hakarimata Road, approx. 7 km south of Huntly and approx. 11 north of Ngāruawāhia. The southern section starts from Waingaro Road, off Hakarimata Road, approximately 3 km south of Ngāruawāhia.



Food and Supply

Extra Info

Functional facts: Approximate population of 5000, limited accommodation, basic shops.

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: July 02, 2024 10:36:59 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: Follow part of Te Awa, a riverside path made for cyclists and walkers.


Immediately after crossing the Waipā River, take a sharp left into Sampson Street and follow it around, joining Broadway Street, then onto the Lower Waikato Esplanade.

Follow this under the railway line and road bridge and immediately after the road bridge, join the paved path. You are now on Te Awa cycle/walkway. Follow through to the riverside reserve. Across the river is the Tūrangawaewae Marae, a very significant marae of the Māori people of New Zealand and the official residence and reception centre of the head of the Kīngitanga (the Māori King Movement). 

Te Awa continues along the river, continuing south as you leave Ngāruawāhia. You'll see the Ngāruawāhia Golf Course to your right and shortly after a spectacular green bridge will appear. Cross the bridge and you will now be on the true right of the river.

The path will take you to Horotiu Bridge Road, where you'll cross back over the Waikato River, and down onto Te Awa along the river, with a small deviation away from the river just past the Fonterra dairy plant.


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track – stay as far off SH1 as possible
  • Be aware of cyclists on cycleway into Hamilton from Horotiu


Northern Start: Waingaro Road Bridge, Ngāruawāhia
Southern End: Pūkete Road, Hamilton


  • InterCity - Major North Island routes - PH 09 583 5780 - E:
  • BusIt - (Huntly and Hamilton) - P: 0800 205 305
  • Ngaruawahia to Hamilton Central bike ride via Te Awa Trail. 2 Hour trip, $39.00. 
    Luggage transport option, $10.00. 08:45am transfer (subject to change)
    2 days notice needed. Ph: 027 265 5504 E:


  • Riverbed Motel 13 Market St, Ngāruawāhia. P: 07 8248360 - E:
  • Or detour west - Waingaro Hot Springs Hotel and Camping Ground - 2263 Waingaro Rd, Ngāruawāhia - P: 07 825 4761 - E:
  • Liam and Hannah - Located near Km 766/767. Can provide tent space for most sized groups. Washer/drier/showers available. Covered areas to escape the rain. No donation required. Please text or call to confirm availability.  027 208 8447

Food and Supply

Extra Info

Waikato trail notes, including information about accommodation, transport and resupplying

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Trip Planning

Tramping/field Skills

Basic Navigation

River Safety

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: July 02, 2024 10:38:08 NZST


Te Araroa section: Located on the banks of the Waikato River, Hamilton is one of the most populous cities in New Zealand. Hamilton is known for its award-winning Hamilton Gardens, green spaces, river banks, gourmet eateries and colourful street art.


Follow Te Awa (a combined walk-cycle way) south through Braithwaite Park along the (true left) bank of the Waikato River to just south of (having passed under) the Claudelands Road Bridge. From here, you will travel through the city as follows:

Leave the walkway and take the Centennial Steps up onto Alma Street. Head past the Novotel Tainui and turn left/southeast into Victoria Street. Almost immediately, turn right (southwest) into Garden Place, an open-space mall. At the far side of Garden Place, turn right and walk through the Centre Place Shopping Centre to Ward Street (or if after hours, continue through Garden Place past the Hamilton City Council building to the Ward Street/Anglesea Street intersection). Follow Ward Street southwest to the corner of Ward and Tristram Streets.

Here, walk west through Norris Ward Park and the far side of the park on Seddon Road. Follow signs onto the Western Rail Trail, which runs adjacent to the railway line, past the Hamilton Railway Station to Killarney Road. Walk west along Killarney Road and through the Dinsdale Roundabout to Whatawhata Road on the southwest side.

Follow Whatawhata Road until turning left (south) into Melva Street. At the end of this street is Tills Lookout. 

Continue south-westward across farmland on a paved city walk-cycleway, turn left (southwest) into Wallace Road, turn right (northwest) into Taitua Road and walk down the road to the Taitua Arboretum.


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track - some walkways are shared with bicycles. Take care crossing roads.


Northern Start: Pukete Road, Hamilton
Southern End: Taitua Arboretum, Taitua Road


Hamilton Transport Centre - National/regional bus services, shuttle services and taxis - Corner of Bryce and Anglesea Sts - P: 07 839 6650 - Facilities include - Café, toilets, showers, bike and luggage lockers, telephones and parking.

Local transport

  • Free Hamilton City Centre buses - leave every 10 minutes Monday - Friday: 7am-6pm Mon-Fri and 9am-1pm Sat-Sun
  • BusIt - P: 0800 205 305
  • Hamilton Taxis - P: 0800 477 477


There are many options available at a variety of levels, including the below:

  • Microtel Backpackers - 140 Ulster St, Hamilton - P: 027 957 4848 - E:
  • Backpackers Central - 846 Victoria St, Hamilton - P: 07 839 1928 E -
  • Eagles Nest backpackers - 937 Victoria St, Hamilton - P: 07 838 2704
  • YWCA Hostel - Corner of Clarence and Pembroke Sts, Hamilton - single or twin share rooms at $40 per perso, per night P: 07 838 2219 - E:
  • Forty winks Backpackers Hostel - 267 River Rd, Claudelands, Hamilton - P: 07 855 2033
  • Liam and Hannah - Located near Km 766/767. Can provide tent space for most sized groups. Washer/drier/showers available. Covered areas to escape the rain. No donation required. Please text or call to confirm availability.  027 208 8447

Detour to campsite

Food and Supply

Extra Info

  • Hamilton’s Taitua Arboretum is a collection of mature trees on 20 hectares of open pasture, lakes and woodland gardens linked by a network of walking tracks and bridges. The park also features great views and wonderful birdlife. Open 7 days from 8am to half an hour before dusk. Admission free.
  • i-SITE Visitor Information Centre — 120 Victoria Street, Hamilton — P: 0800 42645866 E—
  • DOC Waikato Area Office — 73 Rostrevor Street, Hamilton — P: 07 858 1000 

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: June 27, 2024 13:42:58 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: This walk uses footpaths, back roads, state highway road margins, pasture and river esplanade. Follow the bypass during lambing season.


From the Taitua Arbortum, head west on Taitua Road, turn left (south) onto Howden Road and continue straight ahead until it runs into O'Dea Road. At the end of O'Dea Road, continue over the stile up the steps and onto the track for 2km to Walsh Road. Turn right (north) onto Walsh Road and follow this (including a 90-degree turn to the left) out to SH39, turning right (north) onto SH39 and walking 1.5km to Whatawhata village where walkers can get refreshments at the petrol station and tavern.

NOTICE: Reported Dec 2023, there may be bulls present on the section of trail between O'Dea Road and Walsh Road.  Stay alert, give them plenty of space, and take your headphones out.  

Walk west on SH23 through the settlement of Whatawhata, over the Waipā River bridge and take the first left (south) into Te Pahū Road. Here you will leave the road to walk on the true left bank of the Waipā River.

Look for a track behind the church, on the river side of the fence, and follow the orange markers. The track runs through pasture and swamp to a footbridge and in some places goes along a farm race please, always give way to cattle.

At one point, the track heads back onto Te Pahū Road and across a road bridge (Paratawa Stream) before orange markers lead back onto the river reserve. Then it's back onto Te Pahū Road to the junction with Old Mountain Road.

Walk 4.5km southwest on Old Mountain Road (well past the quarry) to the start of the Karamu Walkway (km 794/8). See note below on seasonal bypass.

Karamu Walkway (Kapamahunga Range) - 10.5km / 3-4 hours

From Old Mountain Road, follow the white and/or orange markers southwards over farmland in the Kapamahunga Range. Note the entry point off Old Mountain Road is a little obscure.

After 3.5km, you pass a rural airstrip to the west and the end of Waikoha Road to the east. Keep following the markers south for another 3km. As you come downhill to the river, continue further along the northwest side of the river, skirting behind the limeworks, before coming out at the junction of Fillery Road and Limeworks Loop Road.

Follow the road southwest until reaching the DOC picnic area by the Kāniwhaniwha Stream.

To access Karamu Walkway from the Karamu end (northbound), turn off Limeworks Loop Road onto Fillery Road, cross the one-lane bridge then follow the signs along a farm track to the carpark.


Kapamahunga Walkway

Note - this route closes for lambing 4 August to 31 October, or later as may be determined by the farm manager. Please walk 7km south on Te Pahu Road, then a further 5km west on Limeworks Loop Road to re-connect to the route.

Potential hazards:

  • Vehicles on road or track
  • Farming operations - please give way on all farm races.
  • River crossings - Never cross flooded rivers - No access along Waipā River banks if in flood.
  • Open drains
  • Few water sources

No dogs allowed.


Northern Start: Taitua Arboretum, Taitua Road
Southern End: DOC picnic area, Limeworks Loop Road




  • The Village Cafe - 1 Rothwell Lane, Whatawhata - Free camping at the cafe with plenty of space, courtesy of owner Genevieve. toilet but no shower.  
  • Tui Views - 30 Ferguson Rd, Whatawhata. Nik & Sharon Lowther - P 021 293 5537 E:    Good sized room 20 metres away from the house, has its own deck & bbq. Toilet & shower are in the main house. Booking in advance essential. Prices $50 single, $60 for two.  Includes complimentary drink, tea & coffee and simple breakfast.  Approximately 1 km north from Te Araroa km 788.3
  • K Valley shepherds hut. We have accommodation for TA walkers on our farm. The location is km 784.5 near Whatawhata village. The cosy shepherds hut sleeps 2 and includes a kitchenette with gas cooker and a lovely hot shower. There is also lots of space for tenting.  There is along drop toilet. Phone charging is available. It is a very peaceful private spot on our farm. We can collect walkers from Whatawhata village and drop them back. A koha to cover our expenses would be appreciated.Please phone Anita on 021 0805 1626.


  • Karamu Homestead. 966 Limeworks Loop Road, Karamu. We provide campsites (Soon to be a bunkhouse) for people on the trail at our spectacular farmstay. Think cooked breakfast, great coffee and a hot shower. free wifi and netflix. Some sites are under cover. P: Stewart Best 027 272 7010.  Approximately 1 km along Limeworks Road, east of the southern end of Karamu Walkway at km 802.3 

Food and Supply

  • Whatawhata Service Centre (fuel and basic groceries), 1335 Horotiu Road, Hamilton - Corner SH 23 and SH 39 - P: 07 829 8225

Extra Info

Waikato trail notes, including information about accommodation, transport and resupplying

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: July 02, 2024 10:45:36 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: Cross Pirongia Forst Park, through native bush and over the 959m summit of Pirongia.


This traverse of Pirongia Mountain starts with the Department of Conservation's Nikau Walk an easy stroll south from the Kāniwhaniwha carpark, following the stream through a forest of plantings. Shortly after leaving the farmland and just before a circular walk through beautiful native forest, you take the Tahuanui Track leading towards the southeast. Here, you will find a picnic/campsite clearing with toilets and the last opportunity for swimming before starting the ascent to the summit.

The Tahuanui Track then climbs steadily up a ridge through stands of tawa to the summit ridge where several tracks converge on the 959m summit of Pirongia. So far, this should have taken roughly 4-5 hours. 30 minutes beyond the summit in a westerly direction is the Pahautea Hut. It is generally a good idea to stay overnight in this hut and continue south the following day.

Information from DOC regarding Pahautea Hut:

For both the hut and campsite, you must book. Even though the campsites are free of charge, a booking is required to secure your place.

Backcountry Hut Passes can be used at this hut. To pay with your Backcountry Hut Pass, create/update your account on our booking system. Under 'Apply for a discount', select 'Backcountry Hut Pass Holder' and upload a scan of your pass. Once we've verified your pass, it will automatically be applied when you make a booking.

From the hut, you continue westward on the new Noel Sandford boardwalk, following the Hihikiwi Track with good views to the south. 1km below Hihikiwi Peak and about 600m before Te Akeohikopiro Peak, you take a new spur track heading off in a southwestern direction. Follow this all the way down to Pirongia West Road.

What to expect on a tramping track:

  • The track is mostly unformed with steep, rough or muddy sections
  • Suitable for people with good fitness. Moderate to high-level backcountry skills and experience, including navigation and survival skills required
  • The track has markers, poles or rock cairns. Expect unbridged stream and river crossings
  • Tramping/hiking boots required.


Potential hazards

  • Poisons and traps
  • Small stream crossings
  • If weather is bad, it's advised to stay in the hut until it clears
  • Few water sources
  • Hut water may need to be treated

Weather on Pirongia

Weather conditions can change rapidly, especially at higher altitudes. Always carry a change of clothing, wet weather gear and sufficient food to cater for any emergency.

Pirongia weather forecast - NIWA

No dogs allowed.


Northern Start: DOC picnic area, Limeworks Loop Road
Southern End: Junction of Pirongia West Road with Omanawa Stream



  • Bartlam's Bush Homestay - four-berth caravan, tent sites, hot showers, homegrown organic meals, laundry, and shuttle options. Please enquire: P 0272943652 or E

  • Pahautea Hut is the only hut in the park. Sleeps 20 people on two platform bunks with mattresses.

  • It has a water supply (recommend you treat the water) but no heating or cooking facilities, so you should take a portable cooker.

  • There are also campsites and a camping shelter at the hut. Fires are not permitted.

Food and Supply

Extra Info

Waikato trail notes, including information about accommodation, transport and resupplying

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: July 02, 2024 10:38:45 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: Travel over farmland, an airstrip, old logging routes and lush forest, with some great views on the way.


This is a sometimes steep, rough tramping track with some backcountry road walking.

From the Omanawa Stream, follow Pirongia West Road in a southerly direction. After 2km, you'll reach the intersection with Pekanui Road. Cross over it and continue south/southwest along Te Rauamoa Road. After 5.5km, you'll reach SH 31/Kāwhia Road. Turn southeast (left) and follow it 2.7km and turn southwest (right) into Kaimango Road. Follow Kaimango Road for 7.5km to reach the intersection with Honikiwi Road.

At Honikiwi Road veer west (right) to remain in Kaimango Road and walk another 200m to the small carpark and stile on the south (left) side of the road.  

Cross the stile onto a formed farm road and follow the orange markers. Then 2km after the rural airstrip, look out for double orange markers. It is not obvious but the track goes over a stile here (while the farm road continues on) and into a bush track on an old timber trail.

Keep following the orange markers over high point #405 and past #513 – Ōmarāma, and through to a woolshed near the north end of Māhoe Road.

Caution: The land on either side of the track from 844km to 851km is managed by NZ Carbon Farming.  There is ongoing pest control work in this property, often with the use of firearm at night.  For your own safety, please DO NOT camp anywhere in this section and DO NOT deviate from the trail.  

Take the gravel Māhoe Road which extends beyond the woolshed, and keep heading south 500m past a Department of Conservation sign; "Ōmarāma Scenic Reserve".

Immediately south of the Māhoe Road/Orongo Road intersection, there is a stile where you head east onto farmland.

The route heads due east following a fence line, with a couple of up and downs and small waterway crossings, however these can be crossed easily.

1km in, you will encounter a grass airstrip. It will likely not be in use, however, please take caution. If the airstrip is in use, do not cross until invited, please note as below:

This airstrip is a high-risk area. If the airstrip, and/or the fertiliser shed adjacent, is in use – wait where the signs indicate, attract the attention of the site manager, and await their instruction to cross. 

After crossing the airstrip, continue along the marked fence line some 400m, which eventually joins a graded track. Follow the track 700m until a stile takes you across a fence and into a neighbouring property.  The route continues to follow a fence line 1.5km through cut scrub until crossing another stile by the edge of more mature forest.

A lovely walk through the forest follows – navigate carefully the first 500m along the ridge, then it is slippery when wet on the downhill slopes. There is a crossing of the Moakurarua Stream partway along the track. In "normal" weather, the stream will be no deeper than knee height but can rise after heavy rain. Be prepared to wait it out and if that's the case, it is recommended that you head north back along the track to higher ground.

Once you are over the stream, there is a gentle uphill before entering a track - lookout for the markers on the right. The track is based on the old logging routes, note the hand-formed rock cuttings. Occasionally you'll get a good view out across the forest.

Follow the markers through to the northern end of Ngatapuwae Road.

Walk (approx. 2.5km) the length of Ngatapuwae Road (south/southeast) into Te Anga Road. Down the hill and just before the roundabout intersection, it joins up (to the right) with DOC's Waitomo Walkway which follows beside the Waitomo Stream through a mixture of shady forest and open farmland. Turn east and follow the track into Waitomo Village. (Note: The Waitomo Walkway crosses Te Anga Road, so it is possible to walk the final 1km to Waitomo Village along the road).


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles
  • Farming operations - Leave gates as you find them
  • River crossings - never cross flooded rivers - one stream before connection with Ngatapuwae Road is dangerous after heavy rain
  • Respect private land
  • NO dogs, camping or fires.
  • This is a sometimes steep, rough tramping track with some back country road walking.


  • Caution: The airstrip is a high risk area. If the airstrip, and/or the fertiliser shed adjacent is in use - wait where the signs indicate, attract the attention of the site manager, and await their instruction to cross.  DO NOT cross until invited.
  • Caution: The land on either side of the track from 844km to 851km is managed by NZ Carbon Farming.  There is ongoing pest control work in this property, often with the use of firearm at night.  For your own safety, please DO NOT camp anywhere in this section and DO NOT deviate from the trail.  
  • Note: Please respect track closure during lambing - 1st August to 1st October each year.
  • Note: that just before Ngatapuwae Road (when tramping south) you have to wade the Moakurarua Stream. The crossing here is unsafe when in flood, so do not attempt the Māhoe Road to Ngatapuwae Road when there's been persistent rain in the area.


Northern Start: Junction of Pirongia West Road with Omanawa Stream
Southern End: Waitomo Walkway carpark, Waitomo Village



South of Pirongia

Bartlam's Bush Homestay - four-berth caravan, tent sites, hot showers, homegrown organic meals, laundry, and shuttle options. Please enquire: P 0272943652 or E


Food and Supply

  • The Waitomo Glow worm Caves Visitor Centre - 39 Waitomo Caves Rd, Waitomo - P: 07 878 8227 or 0800 456 922 freephone. Also includes a Restaurant and café.

Extra Info

Waikato trail notes, including information about accommodation, transport and resupplying

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: July 02, 2024 10:12:26 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: Most of this section crosses farmland and bush but includes a small portion of road margin. Expect hills with 150m ascents and descents. It pauses on top of high karsts to gaze across the King Country's low agriculture and tumbled limestone hills that rise to formidable volcanic summits – north to Pirongia, east to Pureora, and south to Ruapehu.



From Waitomo Village, take the Hotel Access Road past the Tavern and School. Before the cattle stop, climb the stile on the left-hand side and follow the track completed in 2020 along a section of  the Waipa Faultline, which runs north south through the district. Here Limestone is uplifted on the western side. 

Cross Fullerton Road, then a stile, and follow the orange markers SE across open farmland, then up through a small gate and climb a hand-formed track. You'll pass some enormous boulders - these are thought to have come from the Mangakino explosion - some 60km away!

Once up and over the ridge, the track descends steeply through bush  this is very slippery when wet, so take care  and exits onto more farmland where you'll again follow markers SE along the fence line, climbing again through bush and onto a ridge. Climb through regenerating bush and the track takes a 90-degree turn towards the west, running through what Te Araroa veterans will remember (fondly?) as the infamous "Te Kuiti Tunnel of Gorse", now nicely opened up and easily passable.

Exiting the bush, head over a stile and follow the marked fence to the next stile; then continue along the fence line  now on the other side of it  and drop down to a farm race (giving way to any animals found on it). This is the farm of John Were. Look for a stile on the NE (left-hand) side after crossing a farm bridge over a stream and then head for a suspension bridge over the Mangapu River.

Once over the suspension bridge, the track heads through Pehitawa Forest  (Queen Elizabeth II Trust-covenanted land and one of the finest remaining stands of Kahikatea trees). Follow markers up a ridgeline to a fence near the top of the hill and over a stile to Oparure Rd.

Cross over the stile on the southern side of Oparure Rd onto Wicklow Farm's landholding. The trail, mostly on this property, meanders on both sides of the ridge, between the Mangapu and Mangaokewa valleys and along a smooth limestone rock farm track. 

At km 876.2, exit the farm race and climb to seldom used air strip (note that if in use, wait for instruction to pass safely). Descend to the south and follow the trail around the flank of Pehitawa Mast Hill (264 metres), then descend through Brook Park.

The Brook Park route may be closed for lambing between 1st July and 30th August. Leave the track at km 876.2 and exit via Gadsby Road to SH 3. Check Alerts and Trail Status for details 

Exit Brook Park onto Colin Brook Place. Follow this road to Eketone St and turn right (south), then follow it to take a left (east) at the junction with Hospital Rd. Follow Hospital Rd to Te Kumi Road (SH3) and go South towards the centre of Te Kuiti township.

Note two fine statues a tribute to Sir Colin Meads (one of NZ's finest rugby players) adjacent to the railway station, and the shearing statue at the south end of Rora St.

West of the Statue Te Tokanganui a noho can be seen, this historic marae was built in 1873 under the director of the Maori leader and prophet Te Kooti.


  • Vehicles on road or track
  • Farming operations – move steadily and quietly through livestock
  • Open drains
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold
  • Steep, muddy and slippery in parts


Northern Start: Waitomo Walkway carpark, Waitomo Village

Southern End: Rora Street, Te Kuiti



Food and Supply

  • Te Kūiti Superette - 205 Rōra St, Te Kūiti - P: 07 878 8333
  • New World Supermarket - 39 Rora Street, Te Kūiti - P: 07 878 8072  Open 7.00am - 8.00pm Daily

Extra Info

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: July 02, 2024 10:11:32 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: Follow Mangaokewa Stream and see primaeval forest, but take the alternative route during lambing season.


Mangaokewa Reserve Track - 3km / 1 hour

Avoid this track when river is in flood.

Mangaokewa Reserve is a pleasant place for picnics, bush walks, swimming and other passive recreational activities. Public toilets are available within the picnic area. With the re-opening of the bridge at km 886.5 the reserve is now easily accessible from Te Araroa.

Overnight camping is not permitted at Mangaokewa Reserve. Check local signage for current information. 

From the shearing statue, continue south along Waitete Road for just over 1km, then turn left onto Ahoroa Ford West Road, taking care as it passes through operational areas with heavy vehicles. Head alongside a wire mesh fence then turn right down by the river (without crossing the river).

Follow the Mangaokewa River along, heading upstream. The track skirts the Waitete Sawmill, and Graymont Limeworks (with a furnace producing burnt lime for roadworks, and also producing lime ground for many uses, such as toothpaste and topdressing). You will pass an old cement works, then cross over the river on a vehicle bridge.

Once across the river, the track follows a disused quarry road to an abandoned lime quarry site, with pipeline and wooden towers remnants (limeworks and lime quarrying is a traditional Te Kūiti industry). The track ascends beyond the quarry to an elevation of 100m, with good views back across Te Kūiti and up the valley ahead. (Te Kūiti High School students built the picnic table at this viewpoint, along with the footbridges across the small creeks).

The track enters bush for the last kilometre, passing one pretty waterfall en route.

The old suspension bridge at the reserve has been replaced by a new bridge giving access to the Mangokewa Reserve. Te Araroa now uses the track on the western side of the river leading south from the reserve.

Mangaokewa River Track - 15km / 5-6 hours

The Mangaokewa River Track is closed every year from 1 August to 31 October for lambing. 
Navigate safely around a road alternative — or skip directly ahead to the Timber Trail (Pureora Forest). 
Please do not attempt to walk this route when it is closed.

In the Mangaokewa Reserve, this track follows the Mangaokewa River throughout. 

From the north end, there are tracks on both sides of the river between km 886.5 and km 889.1. Te Araroa walkers should cross to the western side and reach the Waiteti Viaduct carpark via the new bridge. There may still be the remains of a large slip on the western track. Follow the Mangaokewa River Track past a second bridge at km 889.1

Just after the bridge at km 889.1, you will find a picnic table and area to camp if needed.  Caution: The land above the track just after this from km 889.5 to km 892 is managed by NZ Carbon Farming.  There is ongoing pest control work in this property, often with the use of firearms at night.  For your own safety, please DO NOT camp anywhere in this section and DO NOT deviate from the trail.

Update for northbound walkers July 2023: With the re-opening of the bridge at km 886.5 you can continue on the west (true left) bank or cross to the eastern (true right) bank at km 889.1. If you continue on the left bank past the bridge at km 889.1 you may encounter the remains of a large slip.

The first 2.5km of the bush is groomed and nearly predator-free thanks to the Mangaokewa Reserve Trust, which was allowed to release native birds in the area. You will then pass a huge kahikatea tree, and through the riverside bush may glimpse stalactites encrusting the far edge of the limestone gorge. The trail then crosses a fence which was put in to keep sheep out of the reserve.

Just beyond here, you’ll see one of the best sights of the walk, primaeval forest on the far side of the river — the unfarmed side. The track stays on farmland, passes an abandoned long-drop toilet, slides through tōtara groves and has some great picnic spots on the way through. There are one or two steep slopes you may need to inch down slowly, so please take care in this area, particularly when wet underfoot. It enters the shade of pine and eucalyptus forest near the southern end, then follows a farm track that takes you through to Mangaokewa North Road (Note: there'll be a gate on a grass median track which evolves into a road).

  • Note: If you are wanting to be picked up here, you'll need to have pre-organised transport out — it's a long way from anywhere and there is usually no traffic.

Continue southeast on Mangaokewa Road and follow it in an easterly direction for approx 8.5km. It'll turn northwards for 2km, then turn easterly again (at the intersection with Waipā Valley Road on the west side). Keep following it (it starts to turn south) for another 12km to meet up with SH30. Turn left (east) onto SH30 and walk for 8km. Turn off the highway onto Maraeroa Road on the south side. After 1.5km, take the road leading east-north-east for another 2km until reaching DOC's Pureora Forest Park Headquarters.


  • Vehicles on road or track - take care on roads
  • Farming operations
  • Forestry operations can mean occasional closures
  • Avoid when river is in flood
  • Caution: The land above the Mangaokewa River Track from km 889.5 to km 892 is managed by NZ Carbon Farming.  There is ongoing pest control work in this property, often with the use of firearms at night.  For your own safety, please DO NOT camp anywhere in this section and DO NOT deviate from the trail.


Northern Start: Rora Street, Te Kūiti

Southern End: Pureora Forest Park, Barryville Road



  • Mangaokewa North camping
    • Some excellent local landowners (Sam and Laura) have established a campsite where the route passes through their property, approximately 200m N of the Mangaokewa North road-end. There is space for camping, a picnic table, toilet, water supply and basic shelter. There is a $5pp charge which will help with their upkeep, payable into an honesty box there so please carry some cash from Te Kūiti (or from Taumarunui for NOBOs).
  • DOC's accommodation options include Ngaherenga campsite and the Pureora Cabins (self-contained) in the beautiful surroundings of Pureora Forest Park (which lies between Te Kūiti, Taumaranui and Lake Taupō and is easily accessed by SH 30 and SH 32). P - 021 064 3178 E - 

Food and Supply

  • There is no retail shop or petrol station in Pureora.

Extra Info

  • DOC Pureora Base — 198 Barryville Road, Pureora (off State Highway 30. It is 20 kms east of Bennydale) P: 07 878 1080 E —


Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: July 02, 2024 10:13:13 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: The Timber Trail passes through magnificent podocarp forests of rimu, tōtara, miro, mātai and kahikatea, as well as some exotic forestry and more open vegetation, offering extensive views of the surrounding landscape.

Utilising historic bush tramways, old bulldozer and haul roads, the track features 35 bridges, including 8 large suspension bridges (the longest being 141m) and showcases the historic Ōngarue Spiral, a marvel of engineering.


500m east of DOC’s Pureora Forest Headquarters is the Ngaherenga campsite, halfway between the two is the entry point to the Timber Trail.

It is recommended you plan to walk between formal accommodation locations on this route — Ngaherenga to Bog Inn Hut (20km), to Piropiro Flats campsite (18km), to #10 campsite (21km), to the campsite at the Ōngarue terminus of the Timber Trail (17km), this will take you four days. Then into Taumarunui the following day (26km). Trail surfacing is good (it is also a cycleway), so faster walkers may like to do big days. However, you should be aiming to stay at these locations.

Commence along the Timber Trail on well-graded track for approx 9km through the Pikiariki Ecological Area to the junction with  The Toi Toi Track.  This takes you up and over the summit of Mt Pureora (a 1hr30 deviation) to take advantage of some of the King Country’s most panoramic views of Lake Taupō, Mt Ruapehu and the Kaimanawa Ranges. 

NOTICE [November 2023]: The Toi Toi track has fallen out of DOC's maintenance schedule, so it is overgrown and difficult to follow at times.  The views are worth it on a good day, but this section can be easily bypassed by remaining on The Timber Trail.  DOC is expected to perform some maintenance and vegetation clearance this summer.  this notice will be removed when this work is done.

Descending from Pureora summit and rejoining the Timber Trail, the route again follows the cycleway to the turn-off for the Bog Inn Hut. Leave the Timber Trail here, and shortly after, a short track will lead to Bog Inn Hut for those wishing to sleep there. When leaving Bog Inn Hut, a short connecting path will put you back onto the Timber Trail, without the need to backtrack.

Heading south, you’ll soon cross the first of the spectacular suspension bridges on this route, and another shortly after. The faint of heart shouldn’t look down.

It’s largely downhill from there to bathrooms at Harrisons Rest Area, then a further 12km to Piropiro Flats campsite. 

Leaving Piropiro Flats, you’ll climb through tawa and tānekaha forest to the 141m Maramataha Bridge, which will take the breath away. Further onwards, you will come to a cleared area known as ‘the terminus’, which was the most northern end of the 1950’s Ellis and Burnand tramline. There are toilets at Mystery Creek and the #11 Camp, and shortly after, you'll be at the #10 Camp, also with toilets.

From #10 Camp, it’s mostly downhill all the way, with the Mangakahukahu Bridge and remarkable Ōngarue Spiral the highlights of the day’s walk.

At Bennett Road, a campsite has been purpose-built for Te Araroa, with plenty of space to camp, a shelter and a toilet in the adjacent carpark. You should look to stay here and then walk the 26km into Taumarunui the following day. There are no appropriate locations to freedom camp en route to Taumarunui.

From Bennett Road, follow the Ngakonui-Ōngarue Road west, which runs onto the Ōngarue Back Road, which is the route towards Taumarunui, some 24km away. Just north of Taumarunui, you’ll reach a roundabout — continue straight onto Golf Road and follow it for 2.5km turning right/south onto Short Street, then left/east into Hākiaha Street (SH4), the main street of Taumarunui — a supermarket, food outlets, bank, pharmacy and more are available on this street.


  • Vehicles on the road or track
  • Poisons and traps
  • Forestry operations
  • Small stream crossings
  • Weather extremes

Mt Pureora weather - NIWA

Seasonal restrictions

Hunters with dogs or guns may use the Timber Trail for access to the backcountry. Numbers of hunters are especially high during the stag-roaring months of March and April, and during spring (September, October and November)

Dog access

Dogs require a DOC permit. Contact the relevant DOC office to obtain a permit.


The Timber Trail begins in Pureora Forest and is easily accessed off SH30 between Te Kūiti and Mangakino.

The central part of the trail can be accessed from Piropiro campsite at the end of Kokomiko Road, Waimiha, and from Ōngarue, via SH4 at the southern end. There is highway signage near Pureora and Ōngarue to direct riders to the ends of the trail.



  • DOC huts in the Pureora Forest Park

    Bog Inn Hut — 4 bunks, mattresses and heating — Topo50 maps — Grid reference: NZTM2000, E1828988, N5726201

    Note: Hut tickets must be purchased from DOC offices prior to your tramp.

  • Timber Trail Lodge — located adjacent to the Trail at Piropiro — P: 0800 8856343 — E: — Dorm and private accommodation, including dinner and breakfast.
  • Camp Epic — is located at the 40km marker on the Timber Trail. Tent site and glamping accommodation options. Communal kitchen/dining and the best hot showers in NZ. Breakfast is included in your stay. Ph 0220237958 


Alexender Spa Motels - Check-out time 10am, 50 metres to RSA and restaurants, 14 Studio and 2 Family Studio Units. 6 Marae Street Taumaranui

Forgotten World Adventures Motel — is directly across the road from New World, the BP, McDonalds and Pizza store in Taumarunui. The number is 0800 7245 2278 

Food and Supply

Extra Info

The Timber Trail

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: July 02, 2024 10:46:28 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: The 42 Traverse is a 46 km multi-use track through the Tongariro Forest Conservation Area. It is one of the best challenging mountain biking tracks in the North Island. It is also a stunning walk for Te Araroa walkers and other trampers. 


From Hākiaha Street (SH4) in Taumarunui, head south (Turaki Street and Morero Terrace) to cross the Whanganui River and get onto Hikumutu Road for a long but pleasant walk through the countryside. Follow Hikumutu Road through the small settlement of Hikumutu, past a brief encounter with the Whanganui River, then east to Ōwhango. You’ll join Kawautahi Road just before you get to Ōwhango, then follow that east 1km to SH4. Then walk north 200m on SH4 and turn right/east into Omatane Road on the southern edge of Ōwhango. Follow Omatane Road, Onga Street and Whakapapa Bush Road to the start of the 42 Traverse. It is 27km from Hākiaha Street in Taumarunui to Ōwhango.

The 42 Traverse track, used by Te Araroa between Owhango (km 1069) and the junction with Waione/Cockers Track (km 1092), was previously closed by DoC due to a slip at km 1088.5. DoC have since re-opened 42 Traverse and provided an optional bypass track from km 1083.4 to km 1090. The ground continues to slump but the slip is crossable on foot

42 Traverse (including Waione/Cokers Track) — 35km / 1.5 days

This track follows the 42 Traverse four-wheel drive road for the first 22km. In wet conditions, this can be very muddy and slippery. This branches off along the Waione/Cokers DOC track, then on to Access Road #3 for about 6km before joining SH47. Continue on SH47 northeast; there is the junction with SH46 where there is accommodation.  The Waione Track Bypass marked on some maps between km 1100 and km 1102 is no longer necessary

Note, this route previously deviated north from Access Road #3 to visit Te Pōrere Redboubt. However, we now encourage walkers to remain on Access Road 3 to respect this culturally significant site. 

A 7.5km road walk from the exit of Access Road #3 to the turnoff for the start of the Tongariro Alpine Crossing (a further 1km up to the carpark) is along a sealed highway, broken only by a small settlement near the junction of SH46 and SH47 that has some accommodation including Tongariro Holiday Park. This is the last comfortable campsite before the Tongariro Crossing.  

The next campsite is at DOC’s Mangatepopo Hut, 25 km away. Make sure you have enough water for the crossing before you start. There are no streams on the mountain, and the creek just after Ketatahi Carpark is undrinkable due to its high alkali content.

Although not the official Te Araroa route, it is possible to make a day trip from Taumarunui to experience the Tongariro Alpine Crossing, then kayak/canoe the upper reaches of the Whanganui River to Whakahoro and on to the Pipiriki/Whanganui River


  • The 42 Traverse has a variety of users - share the track with care and consideration.
  • Take care following rainfall as stream levels rise quickly. Only cross waterways after checking they are safe.
  • Dogs with a DOC permit for recreational hunting or management purposes only.
  • 4WD vehicles are not permitted from 1 May – 30 November.
  • The T42 mountain biking, running and walking event is held annually in early May.

Tongariro Alpine Crossing (Red Crater) weather - NIWA


About 16 km along SH47 from National Park Village, turn into Kapoors Road. Follow this for about 6 km to the start of the track at the road end.


There are several shuttle companies providing morning pick-ups from nearby towns and delivery to the track start, i.e National Park, Ōhakune, Tūrangi and Taupō. They include:



  • Hikumutu Valley Lodge (10km South of Taumaranui on trail) - P: 022 402 4639 – E: - backpacker style accommodation, $35 pp ($20 pp for those registered to walk Te Araroa). Includes bunk rooms with private lockable cupboards (mattress, pillows and bottom sheet provided with the option to add a duvet for an additional $5). Camping is available for $25 pp or $15 for registered walkers. Private rooms are available and priced separately. Facilities include Wi-Fi and heating, equipped communal kitchen, shower and washing facilities and a communal dining and living space.  We’re happy to receive and hold packages for our guests, send to 874 Hikumutu Road, RD2, Hikumutu, Taumarunui, 3992.  Please include your name, contact details, and Estimated arrival on the box.


  • Ōwhango Adventures- free camping, including toilets and free WiFi, coin-operated washing machine, showers.  Rooms from $30 pp. Cafe, bar meals. Canoe hire for Whanganui River section: 5 day from Whakahoro to Whanganui for Te Araroa Trail walkers $240 per person across the board. This includes the free night accommodation. 3 day from Whakahoro to Pipiriki - $170 per person across the board. Also includes the free accommodation.
     - P: 0800 2 CANOE/07 895 4854 - E: 

    [UPDATE 8 November 2023: Meals available Friday nights and certain nights by prior arrangement.  Laundry is done off premises until February 2024 so we do not currently have laundry facilities. ]

  • Forest Lodge - Omaki Road, Ōwhango - P: 07 895 4458  M: 027 218 4713 - E: - backpacker accommodation, camping available 

End of route

Tongariro Family Holiday Park - State Highway 47, Tongariro - P: 07 386 8062 - Camping, cabins and units.  Highly recommended spot to rest up and recoup between 42 Traverse and Tongariro Alpine Crossing.  Halfway point between Taumarunui and National Park

Food and Supply


  • Blue Hill Cafe, Owhango located on the main highway in Owhango next to the mechanics and opposite the public restrooms. 

Extra Info

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: July 02, 2024 10:57:48 NZST


This is a road bypass of the Te Porere Redoubt, a culturally significant urupa site to local Iwi. The beginning of this bypass occurs after Waione Track ends (southbound). 



Continue along Access Road Number 3 for about 6km until it meets SH 47.

Then head north east along SH 47 using the road shoulder, be careful of traffic in this area. 

See Te Araroa linked map below for more details. 






Food and Supply

Extra Info

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

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