Trail Notes

Ōtākou - Otago Trail Notes

Last Edited: July 02, 2024 09:51:08 NZST


Te Araroa section: This part of Te Araroa comprises Gladstone Track and Hāwea River Track. Gladstone Track is an easy walk or bike ride that follows the shoreline of Lake Hāwea. Hāwea River Track continues gently on from the lake along the Hāwea River to Wānaka.


Gladstone Track — 6.8km / 1.5-2 hours

The Upper Clutha Tracks Trust opened this lakeside track in 2011 and, in doing so, finished Te Araroa through the Upper Clutha region. The track links reserves at Gladstone and Lake Hāwea Village and is mainly on the terrace above the lakeshore.

From the Gladstone Reserve, the track starts on compacted gravel and heads west around the lakeshore. The track soon crosses Johns Creek (usually dry) and then rises towards Denniston Road. It runs alongside the road briefly and then continues straight ahead onto the terrace above the lake.

After half an hour, the track veers inland and descends gently to cross a creek bed. It then returns to the terrace along the lake fringe. A second creek bed is crossed with a similarly benign descent and climb about 1.5km further along.

The track continues along the terrace and crosses a cattle stop at the town boundary. The track enters the Lake Hāwea Reserve here, where it remains for the final half-hour or so. The formed track ends on Capell Road about 100m from the Domain Rd intersection, which is adjacent to the Hāwea River control gates.

Hāwea River Track — 12km / 2.5-3.5 hours

The Hāwea River Track was another Upper Clutha Tracks Trust project.

  • Note: This track is suitable for both walking and biking. Bikes and prams can cross the swingbridge but need to be carried down the steps at the southern end.

The initial 800m from Lake Hāwea to a carpark is a road margin, but from there, it is an easy and pleasant walk along the Hāwea River through to the Albert Town Recreation Reserve, a short distance from Albert Town.

For Te Araroa purposes, the track starts at the control gates near the Lake Hāwea foreshore. Walk up Domain Road. The carpark is 800m distant on the right. The off-road track starts here, through the pedestrian gate. Follow the track down across a small bridge, and then turn left onto the main track.

The track crosses Camp Hill Road in its mid-section and continues downstream to the Albert Town Conservation Area, then to the Hāwea River Swingbridge.

The Albert Town Reserve campground is located immediately over the Hāwea River Bridge ($7.00 per night – toilet, water and parking only).

The track beyond the bridge to Albert Town is unmarked. The way, however, is straightforward and initially on vehicle tracks to SH6 Lake Hāwea-Albert Town Road. Turn left onto the road shoulder. The footpath on the right-hand side crosses the Clutha River Bridge. Te Araroa's Hāwea River Track ends here. (The Albert Town shops are straight ahead and a short distance away.)

Outlet Track — 12km / 3-4 hours

This track comprises 3 popular local tracks: the Outlet; Beacon Point, and Bremner Bay Tracks. It takes walkers from Albert Town through to the Wānaka CBD lake frontage.

From the Albert Town (true right) side of the Clutha River Bridge, Te Araroa heads upstream on the riverside trail. There is a toilet and interpretation panels a little over a kilometre further along. Continue riverside towards Lake Wānaka’s outlet.

The track ends at the Visitors’ Centre on the lakeshore.

Once at the outlet, the trail continues around the Lake Wānaka shore. The pathway broadens into a vehicle track, but, for the most part, it is still foot traffic and cyclists only.

Beyond Beacon Point, the trail reverts to a walking track and continues around the lake to Bremner Bay. There is a water fountain at the south end of this bay, a short distance from where the track enters the Eely Point Recreational Reserve, and toilets within the reserve itself. On the far side of the reserve, the track continues lakeside into Roys Bay, past the boat ramp, and towards the Wānaka CBD.


 Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track in some places
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold
  • Take care on shared cycle/walkways



Northern start: Gladstone Reserve, Lake Hāwea

Southern end: Ardmore Street carpark, Wānaka


Lake Hāwea Village

  • Alpine ConneXions - 460 Aubrey Rd, Wānaka - P: 03 443 9120 - E: - Wānaka Pickup/Drop off point outside Sports Wānaka 17/23 Dunmore St, Wānaka


  • Regular shuttle services link Wānaka with Queenstown, Christchurch and Dunedin.
  • InterCity - P: 03 365 1113 
  • Atomic Shuttles - P: 03 349 0697 
  • Southern Link - P: 0508 458 835 - Queenstown and Christchurch only.
  • Alpine ConneXions - 460 Aubrey Rd, Wānaka - P: 03 443 9120 - E: - Wānaka Pickup/Drop off point is outside Sports Wānaka 17/23 Dunmore St, Wānaka
  • Catch A Bus - P: 03 479 9960 - Dunedin only


Lake Hāwea Village

  • Hāwea Hotel, 1 Capell Ave, P: +64 3 443 1224, W:  E:
    Hotel and budget accommodation are available.
    Our Lakeside Restaurant and Gardenside Bar are open from 8am – Close daily.
    We can offer packed breakfasts and lunches for our guests if they want to set off early.
  • Lake Hāwea Holiday Park — 1208 Makarora-Lake Hāwea Road, Albert Town — E: - P: 03 443 1767 - Cabins and camping

Albert Town

  • Zula Lodge (Formerly known as Albert Town Lodge) — 8 Wexford St, Albert Town — P: 03 443 9487 — E: — Backpacker accommodation


  • YHA Wānaka, 94 Brownston St, Wānaka — P: 03 443 1880 — E: 
  • Mountain View Backpackers BBH — 7 Russell St, Wānaka — P: 0800 112 201 or 03 443 9010 - E: 
  • Wānaka Lakeview Holiday Park — 212 Brownston St, Wānaka — P: 03 443 7883 — E: — cabins, campsites and backpacker accommodation.
  • the Bothy Wānaka- 21 Russell Street, Wānaka - P 03 4436723 or 027 249 9774 Wānaka Backpackers Bothy (the Bothy) is a centrally located, friendly and homely backpackers that is focused on providing the highest level of support and customer service to adventurers and travellers. Well done for getting to the 2615km mark. All Te Araroa hikers who have taken the pledge receive complimentary early Check-in and, where availability allows, a free upgrade to our on-site Bothy that has cosy and quiet pod beds with privacy curtains, power and lighting. We have free high-speed unlimited fibre internet, free Cadbury’s Hot chocolate, tea, coffee and free popcorn if a movie night is on the cards. Call David on 027 2499 774 or email

Food and Supply

Lake Hāwea Village

  • Lake Hāwea Store - 33 Capell Ave, Lake Hāwea - P: 03 443 1696 - General store, post office, café and Bar / Restaurant

Albert Town


Extra Info



Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: June 27, 2024 12:16:17 NZST


Te Araroa section: This lakeside walking/bike track heads west from Wānaka around the lakeshore to Glendhu Bay, which is a popular camping area in summertime, and home to the famous Wanaka Tree.



Head west around the lakeshore from the Wānaka Visitor’s Centre on Ardmore Street. The formed track starts beyond the parking area.

The track crosses the fringe of the Edgewater Resort’s manicured lawns on its way to the Waterfall Creek Access Road. There is a parking area here, and the track continues beyond, crossing Waterfall Creek on a footbridge.

The track undulates into Damper Bay and passes a private boat shed at the bay’s head. Beyond Damper Bay, the track continues through to Glendhu Bay Lakeside Holiday Park. There is parking here, and trampers can continue through the campground to where the section ends at the Wānaka-Mount Aspiring Road/Motatapu Road junction.


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track in some parts
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold


Northern Start: Ardmore Street carpark, Wānaka

Southern End: Junction of Wānaka-Mount Aspiring and Motatapu Roads, Glendhu Bay



Glendhu Bay Lakeside Holiday Park - Rapid 1127, Mt Aspiring Road, Glendhu Bay, Wānaka - P: 03 443 7243 - E: - Cabins, campsites and a small shop open in Summer. There is parking here and trampers can continue through the campground to where the section ends, at the Wānaka Mount Aspiring Rd/Motatapu Rd junction.

Food and Supply

Extra Info

Te Araroa Otago trail notes, including information about accommodation, transport and resupplying

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.


We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: July 02, 2024 11:01:03 NZST


Walk 2.5km up Motatapu Road from the Wānaka Mount Aspiring Road junction to the Fern Burn Carpark. There is a toilet here, at the start of Motatapu Alpine Track.

Foreign owners paid for the construction of this track and the huts en route in accordance with Overseas Investment Office conditions of approval of the sale of the Motatapu and Mt Soho Station pastoral leases. The track was opened by Former Prime Minister Helen Clark in 2008.

The track is well marked but exposed and follows a demanding line. DOC’s published information on the track warns:

  • Due to the exposed nature of the Motatapu Alpine Track and its physically challenging terrain, it is only suitable for experienced trampers.
  • Several steep sidles require care, and tramping times should be adjusted for those not confident in this type of country.
  • The climate is typically Central Otago. Very hot, dry conditions are common in summer.
  • Carry plenty of water, as water sources are limited, and ensure adequate protection against the sun.
  • Wintry conditions can occur at any time of the year, with the higher country subject to snow, especially during winter.
  • Be prepared by having warm, windproof clothing and appropriate footwear.



Fern Burn carpark to Fern Burn Hut - 6.5km / 3 hours 

The first section, on formed track and through to the Fern Burn Hut, is the easiest part of the Motatapu Alpine Track.

From the carpark, the track begins through deer paddocks on the Fern Burn’s true right and enters remnant beech forest at the Stack Conservation Area boundary. The track then traverses the length of the burn-side beech forest strip.

When the track breaks out of the forest section it enters tussock country. The gradient steepens but the track remains benched through to the Fern Burn Hut (12 bunks).

Fern Burn Hut to Highland Creek Hut - 6km / 4 hours

From the hut, the track follows marker poles further up the Fern Burn and on to Jack Halls Saddle (1275m). On clear days there are return views to Lake Wānaka.

Beyond the saddle, the track descends a ridge to a creek crossing. The remainder of the section involves sidles and ridge walking towards the Highland Creek catchment and Highland Creek Hut, located within an impressive high country basin.

Highland Creek Hut to Roses Hut - 10km / 5-6 hours

This is the most demanding section of the track. It involves 2 major climbs and descents. The first involves a memorable climb up a steep spur then sidles to vantage points that provide good views of the Motatapu Valley. A long descent takes trampers down to a creek within a strip of remnant beech forest. A long climb immediately follows up towards a major ridge off Knuckle Peak. From here travel is down the ridgeline to the Motatapu River. Ford the river then cross valley floor to Roses Hut (12 bunks).

Roses Hut to Macetown - 10km / 4-5 hours

The track from the hut continues to follow marker poles. It crosses a small creek and climbs 470m up the ridge to a point at 1270m, above and east of Roses Saddle. From this high point, the track descends to the Arrow River.

If the Arrow River is at normal to low flows then travel is quicker within the river bed all the way down to Macetown. An alternative route to Macetown follows the directional sign and markers on a high water track, which sidles above the river’s true left bank. 

  • Note: trampers on the high water track still need to ford the Arrow River to reach Macetown so come prepared to wait out a flooded river as need be.

Macetown has a population of zero. This historic gold mining town is now a small collection of buildings and ruins. There are toilets here and camping is permitted. Vehicle access to Macetown is by a 15km 4WD track.

Big Hill Track - 13km / 4-5 hours

The Big Hill Track is a historic route that was once the main road from Arrowtown to Macetown.

From Macetown follow the 4WD Macetown Road downstream to the Eight Mile/Coronet Creek confluence. Head up this creek for about 500m then follow poles up the steep hillside on the true right of the creek up to Big Hill Saddle (1060m). The formed track down from the saddle affords good views across to Lake Hayes and the Wakatipu Basin. It passes through open tussock country and beech forest to the Sawpit Gully Trail junction. Continue down on the right-hand track and exit to Ramshaw Lane, Arrowtown on the Bush Creek Trail.

NOTE:  After leaving Macetown, the route to Arrowtown is across private property and the only permitted camping is at 8 Mile Hut (2671.2km).  The same is true for the Macetown Road as well.  Please respect this and plan your trip accordingly.

  • Alternative route: In poor weather trampers can continue down the Macetown Road to Arrowtown.


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track take care on Motatapu Road and look out for 4WD adjacent to Arrow River
  • River crossings - Never cross flooded rivers. You will have to cross the Arrow River at the south end,
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold
  • Weather extremes
  • Few water sources


Northern Start: Junction of Wānaka-Mount Aspiring and Motatapu Roads, Glendhu Bay

Southern End: Junction of Villiers Street and Buckingham Street, Arrowtown


To trailhead

  • Alpine ConneXions - 460 Aubrey Rd, Wānaka - P: 03 443 9120 - E: - Daily trampers' shuttle service from Wānaka to Glendhu Bay and to the northern start of the Motatapu Alpine Track - P: 03 443 7966 


Transport to/from Frankton/Queenstown

  • Connectabus - departs regularly from Ramshaw Lane - P: 03 441 4471 


En route


  • Arrowtown Holiday Park - 12 Centennial Ave, Arrowtown - P: 03 442 1876 - E: - units, lodge and camping

There is also many other options for accommodation in Arrowtown

Food and Supply


  • Arrowtown Night n Day Food Store - 39 Buckingham St, Arrowtown - P: 03 442 1886 - - Basic resupply 
  • Arrowtown Bakery & Café - 1 Buckingham St - P: 03 442 1587 - E:

Extra Info

Te Araroa Otago trail notes, including information about accommodation, transport and resupplying



Last Edited: July 02, 2024 09:51:35 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: The track crosses the Wakatipu Basin to join Arrowtown with Queenstown. In the process, it links the Millbrook Track with Lake Hayes, the historic Shotover Bridge and the Frankton Walkway. The treadway is mostly formed walking/cycle trail, though some footpath sections are included. The track is complete and signposted, in part as a section of the Queenstown Cycle Trail.


The track starts at the intersection of Villiers and Buckingham Streets in Arrowtown. Turn right into Birkshire Street, then right again into Wiltshire Street and right again into Caernarvon Street. This street continues into Manse Road. Follow the roadside track past Butal Park to the Malaghans Road intersection. Cross Malaghans Road onto the Millbrook Track, this starts just before The Avenue, the main road entry into the Millbrook Resort.

The Millbrook Track is 3.1km long and marked. It runs alongside The Avenue to the resort centre then veers to the right. It follows Mill Stream and passes through Coronet Nine golf course. The Millbrook Track exits onto Speargrass Flat Road. Turn right here, left into Slope Hill Road, and then left again onto Rutherford Road, which leads down to a carpark at Lake Hayes.

From the car park Te Araroa veers a little to the right on the track down the western side of the lake. It then exits towards the highway at the southern lakehead. There is a direction sign to a car park here. Turn left and cross the highway prior to the car park and descend on the formed track to Lake Hayes Estate, suburbia. Follow the Queenstown Cycle Trail signs along the track that skirts the estate and exits from the lower end of Widgeon Place.

Turn right and continue upstream along the track on the Kawarau River’s true left bank. This track bends around at the Shotover River confluence and leads up towards the historic Shotover footbridge, which was restored in 2005 as a Rotary Centennial Project.

Once across the footbridge take the track to the left that passes a covered picnic table before leading down towards the river. This track continues downstream and passes under the highway bridge. 

Cross to the right-hand side of the road and veer right past the dog pound and the gun club. Climb the hill beside the gate to the oxidation ponds and exit through an alleyway onto Glenda Drive. Turn right onto Glenda Drive, follow that around, past Mitre 10 and continue south to the roundabout, then right onto Hawthorne Avenue out towards the main road. Before reaching the main road, turn left onto the shared cycle/walking track which takes you south towards the Five Mile shopping centre (ideal resupply point). The track continues through the Queenstown events centre and crosses the golf course onto Kawarau Road (SH6). Cross the road, turn right, then left into Ross Street. At the bottom of Ross Street turn right into Birse Street, which exits onto Lake Avenue.

The Frankton Domain is across Lake Avenue. Walk down to the lakeshore and the Frankton Walkway starts at the western end of the Domain. From here the walkway provides an easy 1 to 1½ hours of lakeside walking experience to Park Street. Continue on Park Street and then the track through the Queenstown Gardens to Marine Parade, on the lakefront, in central Queenstown.


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track
  • Few water sources
  • Take care on shared cycle/walkways


Northern Start: Junction of Villiers and Buckingham Streets, Arrowtown

Southern End: Marine Parade, Queenstown


Regular flights from Queenstown to many destinations.

Many options for car rental are available.


There are many options for accommodation at all levels within Queenstown. Some include

Food and Supply

Extra Info

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: June 27, 2024 12:18:55 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: Traverse varied landscapes, featuring mountains, lakes, beech forest and tussock country. Some sections are within Te Wahipounamu, the South Westland New Zealand World Heritage Area.


This track starts at the Greenstone Car Park about 40km from Glenorchy, at the end of Greenstone Station Road. It is well marked and initially formed, but the ground trail becomes less defined in mid sections where it follows marker poles.

The track has a relatively easy gradient with its highest point being 728m on the saddle at the southern end of Passburn Valley. This is where the track leaves Otago and enters Southland, Te Araroa’s most southern region.

DOC have adjusted hut pricing from July 2021. Huts on the Greenstone and Caples Track are no longer covered by the Backcountry Hut Pass. Hut tickets may still be used. The adult price for summer is now $20. This applies to Mid Caples Hut, McKellar Hut, and Greenstone Hut.

Greenstone Hut to Taipo Hut - 10km / 4-5 hours

The track towards Taipō Hut is sign-posted. It climbs up and around to the Pass Burn Valley. Near the valley head, the track drops to a creek and then climbs back up to the saddle. Descend following marker poles to Taipō Hut (8 bunks), which is near the banks of the Mararoa River.

Taipo Hut to Boundary Hut - 12km / 3-4 hours

From the hut, cross the Mararoa River swingbridge. From here the track stays near the river and follows marker poles through open country. Recross the river on another swingbridge to reach Boundary Hut (8 bunks).

Boundary Hut to Careys Hut - 6km / 2 hours

From Boundary Hut, follow the 4WD track to the junction with the track to Forks Hut. Take the left-hand track down towards North Mavora Lake. Careys Hut (7 bunks) has a wood-fired stove and is near the base of a hill at the north end of the lake.

Careys Hut to Mavora Camping Area - 10km / 2 hours

The 4WD track follows the lake edge around to the Mavora Camping Area at the lake’s southern end. There are parking and toilets here. Camping is for a small fee paid via a self-registration system.

The end of the track is at the Mavora Lakes Camping Area. Road access to Mavora Lakes is via 39km of gravelled road from either Centre Hill or Burwood Station. Both access points are signposted from SH94 between Mossburn and Te Anau.


Potential hazards

  • River crossings – never cross flooded rivers
  • Small stream crossings
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold
  • Weather extremes


Northern Start: Greenstone Station Road carpark

Southern End: Mavora Camping Area, Mavora Lakes Road


Transport to Glenorchy and/or Kinloch and/or Mavora Walkway


En route

Food and Supply

Extra Info

Te Araroa Otago trail notes, including information about accommodation, transport and resupplying

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Trip Planning

Tramping/field Skills

Basic Navigation

River Safety

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Last Edited: July 02, 2024 09:52:25 NZST


Te Araroa trail section: Parts of this section are marked with poles. Other parts are unclear and may be overgrown – allow enough time. 



Trampers continuing on from the Mavora Walkway can walk south, down and around North Mavora lakeshore to the swingbridge across the Mararoa River at the lake’s outlet.

The track stays west of, though close to, the Mararoa River and then South Mavora Lake to this lake’s outlet where another swingbridge provides an alternative access point from Mavora Lakes Road. 

Beyond this swingbridge, the track continues down the true right side of the Mararoa River to a third and final swingbridge at km 2774.5. The bridge aligns with another track that intersects Te Araroa and provides access to Mavora Lakes Road.

Along the way, a careful assessment of the trail ahead is required: if the Mararoa River can be forded safely just beyond the Kiwi Burn confluence, then Te Araroa trampers can continue down the track on the true right side to the Kiwi Burn, then either divert 1.5km to the Kiwi Burn Hut, or ford the Mararoa River and continue south on the true left bank. 

If the Mararoa is not fordable, then Te Araroa trampers must cross the final swingbridge at km 2774.5.

Trampers can then continue down the true left bank on the river side of the fence and, after 3km, rejoin Te Araroa opposite the Kiwi Burn confluence.

Estimated time for 17.5km from Mavora Lakes Campsite to Kiwi Burn Hut, including 1.5 km diversion to the hut: 5 hours.

Below the Kiwi Burn confluence, Te Araroa is marked with poles down the Mararoa’s true left bank. This is on the river side of the fence all the way down to Wash Creek, some 16km distant. Travel is occasionally damp underfoot and a little slow through long grasses but the route improves and becomes easier in parts as progress is made.

The riverside track from south of Kiwi Burn hut (km 2777.5 to 2793) is badly overgrown and difficult. It may be advisable for southbound hikers to use anglers' trails to cross to the road and then follow Mavora Lakes Road to Wash Creek.

After fording Wash Creek, the route climbs to Mavora Lakes Road. Turn right onto the road and continue for 11km through to SH94. Turn right and walk, carefully, along SH94 a further 2.5km to where Te Araroa turns into Princhester Road. The Lower Princhester Hut is 6km up Princhester Road.

Estimated time for 17.5 km from Kiwi Burn Hut to Mavora Lakes Road, 5 hours. It's another 2.5 hours along the road to SH94.

DOC’s Mavora Lakes Park pamphlet includes additional information on some of this trail section and the surrounding area.

There is 22km left on SH94 to Mossburn and 33km right on SH94 to Te Anau, a pleasant lakeside town and gateway to Fiordland National Park.


Potential hazards

  • Vehicles on road or track – take extreme care on Mavora Lakes Road and SH94
  • Farming operations
  • River crossings – never cross flooded rivers
  • Small stream crossings
  • Track exposed to sun, wind or cold


Northern Start: Mavora Camping Area, Mavora Lakes Road

Southern End: Junction of SH94 and Princhester Road


Te Anau getting there/away

  • InterCity - P: 03 365 1113 - Daily buses to Queenstown, Dunedin and Christchurch
  • Private Transfer an on-demand service at a time to suit. Cost from $45.00 per charter dropping off at state highway 94. For a drop off at the end of the Princhester Road Cost from $55 per charter. Contact Topline Tours Linda & Denis P: 03 249 8059 or 03 249 9550 or try cell 029 770 3134

  • Tracknet - P: 0800 483 262 provide public transport to and from Princhester Road from Te Anau


Te Anau accommodation

Many other options at all levels are also available in Te Anau.

Mossburn accommodation

Food and Supply

Te Ānau resupply:

On the Trail:

  • Sprig & Thistle:  A vintage-style caravan full to the brim with coffee and homemade savouries and sweets.  On the Trail at 6 Princhester Road, The Key.
  • Davaar & Co: Woolen Jerseys crafted from Davaar Station sheep's wool.  Our jerseys are sustainably grown, spun & knitted entirely in New Zealand. Also located at 6 Princhester Road, The Key.

Extra Info

Te Ānau general information

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

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