He ki taurangi mo Te Araroa

The Trail Pledge

Ko tātou ngā manuhiri manaaki tātou
E manaaki ana tātau i te whenua me ōna iwi
We will be respectful guests of the land and its people

Your plans are in place and you are ready to walk Te Araroa! One last thing before you go – please take the Trail Pledge, He ki taurangi mo Te Araroa. This is about respecting the people, communities, landscapes and wildlife you will meet along your way and ensuring that everyone can enjoy Te Araroa for generations to come.

Te Araroa recognises the mauri, or life force, of Aotearoa’s lands, mountains, forests, sea, lakes and rivers. This mauri is integral to tangata whenua, the indigenous Māori people of Aotearoa. Each section of Te Araroa passes through areas of significance for tangata whenua.

As you explore the land, take time to learn about the people, our history and culture. By taking the opportunity to understand our culture and customs, you’ll have a positive impact on the communities you visit and enrich your experience. In return, the people of Aotearoa, will leave a lasting impact on you, fostering a deeper connection to the trail.

Te Taiao, our environment is taonga, a treasure, and it is up to all of us to protect and preserve it. Enjoy your time in Aotearoa New Zealand’s beautiful outdoors and commit to respecting the mana of people and place.

Environment Pledge Image


I pledge to respect the environment by:

  • Using marked tracks
  • Camping in designated areas
  • Only lighting small, controlled fires, and only if I have a permit
  • Always taking rubbish with me
  • Using designated toilets
  • Not using any products when bathing or washing in rivers, lakes or seas.
  • Giving wildlife space and not feeding wild animals
  • Cleaning my gear to stop the spread of diseases like Kauri Dieback
Te Araroa Culture Cape Reinga


I pledge to respect local culture and customs by:

  • Actively seeking opportunities to learn and listen
  • Never sitting on a table or surface where food is prepared
  • Not entering Marae unless invited
  • Checking which sites are wāhi tapu (sacred) and respecting customary practice
Environment Pledge Image


I pledge to respect private property by:

  • Sticking to marked routes and not taking shortcuts
  • Only camping if it is explicitly permitted
  • Not disturbing stock
  • Leaving gates as I find them (open or closed)
Fore Wood Photo


I pledge to respect other people by:

  • Keeping the noise down at night
  • Removing muddy boots before entering huts
  • Restocking huts with firewood
  • Helping other trail users if they’re in need