Te Araroa Whakahou – Regenerative Trail Outcomes

Te Araroa is on a journey to become a regenerative trail – a journey of collaboration, of partnership, and of shared stewardship. 

Regeneration for Te Araroa means:

  • Supporting the purposes and aspirations of mana whenua 
  • Protecting and enhancing biodiversity along the trail corridor
  • Improving the trail and its infrastructure whilst minimizing any environmental impacts 
  • Supporting local communities and businesses and fostering economic opportunities 
  • Providing a walking experience that enhances the wellbeing of walkers and communities.

We are just starting out on this journey, and there is a lot of work to do. The first step is to define the outcomes we are aiming to achieve (short, medium and long term) and the work that needs to take place to achieve these outcomes (our activities).

To do this we have started an ‘Intervention Logic Model’ (ILM) process. An ILM is a tool that helps us to identify how our activities can create change, assess our effectiveness and communicate this to stakeholders. The ILM will also provide a framework for the evidence we should collect. By developing measures, we can better track and communicate our progress towards desired outcomes and hold ourselves accountable.  

As a starting point we held a workshop with the National Trust Board and Management Team. This first draft is the output of that workshop. To develop this further we will engage and involve wider stakeholders and those with expertise in our desired impact areas. The end result will be a living diagram that is regularly reviewed and updated as we learn. 

We have identified five key areas where Te Araroa can make an impact: Social, Environmental, Infrastructure, Economic, Wellbeing.  While we have broken this document into the five impact areas for ease, we acknowledge that they are all interconnected.

Impact Area: Social

Long Term Outcomes
(10+ years)
Mid Term Outcomes
(3+ years)
Short Term Outcomes
(0-3 years)
Te Araroa supports the purposes and aspirations of mana whenuaIncrease in sections of Te Araroa that are connected to the purposes and aspirations of mana whenuaIncreased understanding of mana whenua aspirations that connect to Te Araroa
Mana whenua have increased awareness and positive perception of Te AraroaIncreased and strengthened relationships between Te Araroa and iwi, hapū and whānau along the trail route
Walkers have increased understanding and appreciation of the cultural significance of places along the trailIncrease in story panels along the trail route, developed in partnership with Tangata Whenua and local communities
Increased wellbeing of communities along the trailIncreased positive perception of Te Araroa in communities along the trail Increased understanding of local communities needs and aspirations relating to Te Araroa
Increased understanding of local communities’ needs and aspirations relating to Te AraroaIncrease in section walkers and day walkersIncreased promotion of day walks and short walks along Te Araroa

Impact Area: Environment

Long Term Outcomes
(10+ years)
Mid Term Outcomes
(3+ years)
Short Term Outcomes
(0-3 years)
Increased biodiversity along the trail corridorIncreased planting of native species along the trail corridorPartnerships formed between Te Araroa and regenerative organisations 
Reduction in invasive species along the trail corridor
Environmental impacts of walkers are reduced‘Leave No Trace’ and climate mitigation messaging embedded in walker education
Increased participation of walkers and local communities in conservation efforts and sustainable practicesIncreased engagement of walkers and local communities in regenerative activities along the trail corridorIncreased volunteering opportunities along the trail route
Walkers have increased knowledge of biodiversity and environmental issues through walking Te Araroa52 Story Panels developed along the trail route, inspiring people to care for Te Taiao
Walkers have increased pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours as a result of walking Te AraroaIncrease in Te Araroa Whakahou membership

Impact Area: Infrastructure

Long Term Outcomes
(10+ years)
Mid Term Outcomes
(3+ years)
Short Term Outcomes
(0-3 years)
Improved environment along the trail Reduced carbon footprint of Te Araroa maintenance and developmentIncreased use of locally sourced, sustainable materials in trail maintenance and development
Increased KM of trail off roads
(e.g. tracks and unsealed roads)
Reduction in KM of trail along roads
Reduced vegetation damage in process of developing the trailIncreased use of environmentally sensitive trail solutions in trail remediation and development
Improved water quality/cleaner waterways along the track Reduced loss of sediment from trail into waterways
Reduced contaminants coming from the trackReduction in use of chemicals in track maintenance (e.g. reducing weed spraying by increasing native plant cover)

Impact Area: Economic

Long Term Outcomes
(10+ years)
Mid Term Outcomes
(3+ years)
Short Term Outcomes
(0-3 years)
Increase in through walkers’ spending in towns along the trailThe economic impact of Te Araroa is visible in trail towns/communities (the value of the walker dollar)Increase in through walkers spending in towns along the trail
Businesses along the trail are recognised as trail partners and experience the benefits
Increased use of local contractors in trail maintenance and development

Impact Area: Wellbeing

Long Term Outcomes
(10+ years)
Mid Term Outcomes
(3+ years)
Short Term Outcomes
(0-3 years)
Increased wellbeing of Te Araroa walkers Enhanced wellbeing reported by people who walk Te Araroa We understand the wellbeing impacts of walking Te Araroa 
Walker feedback implemented to improve the walking experience