

Timber Trail

Map updates, track repairs, and the season ahead on Te Araroa

by | Oct 31, 2022

It’s an exciting time of the year as the buzz builds and Te Araroa trail walkers set out to experience a unique Kiwi adventure. This is the first year since the curse of Covid that New Zealand’s international borders have been fully open and we’re looking forward to the energy and excitement overseas visitors bring.

Trail map and trail notes refreshed

The latest version of the Te Araroa trail map and trail notes have been updated and are available on the maps and notes page of our website. The latest notes include adjustments to the main trail route, bypasses, and improved information about places to stay and helpful notes on topics such as the locations of drinking water. A significant amount of effort goes into the updates and they are a valuable resource for anyone planning on through-walking or section walking on the trail.

Updates to Te Araroa – The Trail App still underway

Now that the maps and notes have been updated, the next step is feeding all that information into our handy trail app! We’re busy behind the scenes finalising the details and will update everyone via our social media accounts, and website, once the latest version is ready to go. There have been a few delays on this front and we’re working hard to get the updates finalised and live.

Great progress repairing storm damage

Despite the widespread storm damage that wreaked havoc over the country earlier in the year, the trail is in pretty good condition overall. There are still alternative routes in effect – some of which require road walking. Credit is due to our amazing regional trust volunteers for doing an outstanding job identifying track issues, clearing trails, and working with the Department of Conservation, local councils and landholders to make repairs where possible.

Thanks to all our supporters

Last, and perhaps most importantly, I’d like to acknowledge all the wonderful walkers who have made donations ahead of or during their journey!

Donations are the lifeblood of Te Araroa Trust and are essential to allow us to preserve and nurture the track for the walkers of today and tomorrow. Every dollar donated goes straight towards making the Te Araroa experience better for all of us, so please consider making a contribution.

If you’re lucky enough to be getting out on Te Araroa this year, I hope you treasure your time on the trail. If not, there’s still time to walk it – even if only a section with friends and family over the New Zealand summer. Thanks again for your crucial support.

Happy walking,

Matt Claridge
Executive Director, Te Araroa Trust

Ninety Mile Beach

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