Mana Whenua
Tēnā koutou katoa e ngā hapū mana whenua o Aotearoa
E mihi ana matou ngā kaiwhakahaere o Te Araroa ki a koutou me o koutou maunga, o koutou moana me o koutou ngahere
Kopikopiko te rere o tenei ara taurikura i o koutou rohe. Ka aronui matou ngā kaitiaki o tenei ara, i a koutou, e ngā Rangatira
Na reira , ko to matou tumanako me to matou mahi he tautoko i o koutou whainga me o koutou wawata mo te whenua
Tēnā ano koutou katoa
Greetings to you, the hapū who hold the mana whenua over Aotearoa.
We, the kaiwhakahaere of Te Araroa, acknowledge you, your mountains, forests and rivers.
The flow of this beautiful trail meanders through your various rohe.
Therefore, it is our hope and job to support you in your objectives and dreams for the whenua.
We acknowledge you all.