Plans change, and that’s okay

Plans change, and that’s okay

Many tramping incidents could have been avoided by recognising the need to change plans in response to changing conditions. It’s easy to become goal focussed, sticking rigidly to the original plan and then finding yourself in trouble.  Recently, I wanted to...
You’ve hurt your ankle, now what?

You’ve hurt your ankle, now what?

You have been tramping when you fall and hurt your ankle. What should you do now? An ankle injury on the trail can make walking difficult and there’s no one rule for how to react. When an incident does happen though, STOP – Stop, Think, Observe and Plan. This should...
A Guide to Trail Markers

A Guide to Trail Markers

Track markers help identify the path you need to follow. However, there are a few tricks and tips you need to be aware of. The Department of Conservation uses orange triangles to mark track direction. If you haven’t seen one for a while, take a moment to consider why....